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Image Beyond Prescriptions: Personal Branding for Doctors

Image Beyond Prescriptions: Personal Branding for Doctors

Author:Vinita Vyas
ISBN 13:9789387860414
Subject:General and Reference Studies

About the Book

Think doctors don’t need personal brands? Think again. Let’s just imagine you stood in a crowd of 100 people, what are the chances of them all noticing you? This is important, because a sad truth of life is that most people don’t know or care about you. But people will most certainly take notice if you can simply create an emotional response, which may be triggered if you have an ‘image beyond prescriptions.’ An ‘image beyond prescription’ will mean: you are trusted more by patients & their families you have enhanced reputation and credibility. You are the “go-to” doctor in your specialization. You are known as an expert in your field. You stand out from the crowd. This hands-on book will help you with the ‘what’ and the ‘how-to’ of going that extra mile to create the image you want and it is sure to be a life-altering experience once you decide to take that first step. I know you are ready. Take the step, now!.