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India Business Guide - Start-up to Set-up 2016 (Hardcover)

India Business Guide - Start-up to Set-up 2016 (Hardcover)

Author:Vaish Associates
ISBN 13:9789351295365

About the Book

India" is a growing mantra in boardrooms across the world. India's continental market, sustained high growth, large-scale capacity building, addition of millions of high net worth individuals every year, propensity to absorb investments, especially in the frontier areas of technology, unprecedented blossoming of entrepreneurship, etc, are well known and documented. A combination of all these factors makes India one of the most-happening business destinations in the world. The thematic sequencing of the book is crafted in a way so as to unravel the "India Advantage" factor to the myriad business corporations, investors, analysts and the swelling ranks of entrepreneurs. The book, India Business Guide- Start-up to Set-up, is intended to give entrepreneurs and executives all necessary information about the relevant laws and procedures for setting up and doing business in India. This publication captures the changes taking place in the legal & policy framework and the abounding business opportunities emerging on account of progressive policy flexibility in the country. Tips, leads and bare facts contained in the publication are designed to serve as a valuable guide to your "India strategy". Key features *Covers legal framework from incorporation to operation of an entity. *Vade mecum of laws, rules and regulations governing business in India. *Gives a kaleidoscopic idea of establishing presence in India /Doing business in India *A practical approach to forming joint ventures, technology transfer, formation of companies etc.