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Indian Armed Forces in World War-1

Indian Armed Forces in World War-1

Author:Govt of India
ISBN 13:9789354093401
Subject:History/Modern Period

About the Book

The First World War (WW-I) was an event of far-reaching consequence, as it reshaped the map of hte world forever. The embers of the war reached India as well. A dependent India agreed to share othe burden of Imperial defence as the British joined WW-I on august 4, 1914. Indians saw an opportunity in it - a dominion status. Hence, full support was extended to the British in men, materials and money. Very little is known abouth the immense contribution and the sacrifices made by the Indians during this Great War. by 1919, 3 lakh Indians had served overseas of which about 75,000 were killed. They earned about 10,000 decorations, including 11 Victoria Crosses, for exceptional bravery in the battlefield. India also made a substanitial contribution in tersm of money towards the expenses of WW-I, which amounted to 146.2 million pounds by the end of 1919-20. It is notable that the war impacted various facts of the life othe people including the military, political, econimic and social. In fact. a new India was born after the war.