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Indian Army After Independence

Indian Army After Independence

Author:Major K C Praval
ISBN 10:null
ISBN 13:9781935501107
Subject:Military Studies

About the Book

Postindependence, the Indian Army has been rendering invaluable service to the nation in the sphere of national integration, national defense, and national stability. This book is a record of that service from 1947 to 1984. A strong professional army at the command of the Indian Union was an important factor, which weighed with many Indian princes when they chose to sign the Instrument of Accession in 1947. With its personnel drawn from all parts of the country, belonging to different religious, linguistic, and ethnic groups and living together in complete harmony, the army has been a living symbol of national integration. This book gives an admirable account of the battles fought during these wars. It is not a drum-and-bugle history trying to glorify events and cover up failures. The author has produced an objective account after painstaking research.