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Indian Corporate Citizenship (Case Study on CSR)

Indian Corporate Citizenship (Case Study on CSR)

Author:CA. Bimal R. Bhatt
ISBN 13:9789352622825

About the Book

The issue of responsible care and behavior by corporates towards society is not new. Every individual has a right to have a balanced life with requisite education, shelter, food, health facilities, expression of views with ideas and also to think about others on Mother Earth. Lot of things has been discussed, analyzed across India since years on Corporate Citizenship but somehow society is not getting the desired attention as expected. The included views, actions, supports, results and care shows responsibility by the researched corporates (other than government owned corporates), can be treated as a case study for large number of laggards. You may argue that some of the activities like reduction in pollution, saving of energy, good product packaging and advertisement, water conservation, etc. are business imperative rather than service to the society. By accepting this viewpoint also, this practical insight should help in quick and simple actions at an early time, even by small and medium enterprises and naturally, other large corporates who are still adamant in their business approach, some sort of arrogance even under threat of evacuation in acute global challenges and competition. Such corporates are undermining the power of civil society which can destroy them completely. May the combination of GANDHIJI and SARDAR PATEL, will have to come to the stage to pressurize socio-economic organizations. Let's create great awareness in schools, colleges, management institutes and other socio-economic organizations for a peaceful, growing, equal, happy and enjoying society taking into account the benefits of socialism and capitalism, compassionate capitalism. As an additional learning and knowledge, following are attached asAnnexure : 1. Original Text of Sections 134, 135, 198 with Schedule VII of The Companies Act, 2013 ? I do not know how mandatory 2% towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) will be translated in real improvement of Society. Time will only prove with the active participation of stakeholders. Responsible corporate citizenship should come from within. 2. The Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014. 3. National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India (2011). 4. Clause 55 of the Listing Agreement with Stock Exchange ? "Business Responsibility Report ? Suggested Framework". 5. The Millennium Development Goals (MDG). 6. Principles of The UN Global Compact. 7. Speech of Dr. Manmohan Singh, Ex-Prime Minister of India, Annual National Conference of the CII, 24th May, 2007. 8. GRI 4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines in Brief. 9. Clarifications with regard to provisions of Corporate Social Responsibility under Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013-General Circular No. 21/2014 dated 18th June, 2014. Contents - 1. Voice of Leaders 2. Philosophy 3. Education 4. Employee Engagement 5. Energy Conservation 6. Environment 7. Health and Safety 8. Human Rights 9. Policy Advocacy 10. Product Responsibility 11. Sustainable Livelihoods 12. Waste Management 13. Water Management Annexure 1: Original Text of Sections 134, 135, 198 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 Annexure 2: The Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 Annexure 3: National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India (2011) Annexure 4: Clause 55? Listed Entities shall Submit, as Part of Their Annual Reports, Business Responsibility Reports, Describing the Initiatives Taken by Them from an Environmental, Social and Governance Perspective Annexure 5: The Millennium Development Goals Annexure 6: Principles of The UN Global Compact Annexure 7: Speech of Dr. Manmohan Singh, Ex-Prime Minister of India, Annual National Conference of the CII, 24th May, 2007 Annexure 8: GRI 4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines ? Brief Annexure 9: Clarifications with Regard to Provisions of Corporate Social Responsibility under Section 135 of the Companies Act,2013- General Circular No. 21/2014 Dated 18th June, 2014 No. 05/01/2014? CSR