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Indian Economy Since Independence : A Comprehensive and Critical Analysis of India s Economy, 1947-2019 (30th Edition) (Rs 845 + Rs 150 for Service Charges)

Indian Economy Since Independence : A Comprehensive and Critical Analysis of India s Economy, 1947-2019 (30th Edition) (Rs 845 + Rs 150 for Service Charges)

Author:Uma Kapila
ISBN 13:9789332705173

About the Book

Contents: Preface. I. Planning, Institutional Framework, Constraints and Role of the State: 1. Indian Economy at Independence/Uma Kapila. 2. Planning, Market and the State/Editorial Notes. 3. Economic Reforms: Looking Back and Ahead/C. Rangarajan. 4. India’s Economic Reforms: Reflections on the Unfinished Agenda/Vijay Joshi. 5. Fiscal and Budgetary Developments: Prospects and Reforms/Editorial Notes. 6. Demography and Development/Editorial Notes. 7. India’s Demographic Transition and its Consequences for Development/Tim Dyson. II. Growth and Structural Change since 1950: 8. Growth and Structural Change Since 1950/Editorial Notes. 9. The Recovery of India: Economic Growth in the Nehru Era/Pulapre Balakrishnan. 10. Pressing the Indian Growth Accelerator: Policy Imperative/Rakesh Mohan and Muneesh Kapur. 11. The Intriguing Picture of Investment/C. Rangarajan. 12. India on the Growth Turnpike: No State Left Behind/Arvind Panagariya. III. Distributional Issues: Poverty, Inequality, Malnutrition and Unemployment: 13. Assessment of the Growth Experience: Poverty, Inequality and Unemployment/Editorial Notes. 14. Report of the Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Measurement of Poverty: Executive Summary/Rangarajan Committee Report. 15. Counting the Poor: Measurement and Other Issues/C. Rangarajan and S. Mahendra Dev. 16. Inequities in Access to Health Services in India: Caste, Class and Region/Rama Baru, Arnab Acharya, Sanghmitra Acharya, A.K. Shiva Kumar and K. Nagaraj. 17. Labour and Employment in Fast Growing India: Issues of Employment and Inclusiveness/T.S. Papola and Alakh N. Sharma. IV. Agriculture: 18. Indian Agriculture: Developments, Issues, Policies and Agenda for Reforms/Editorial Notes. 19. Economic Reforms and Indian Agriculture/Ashok Gulati and Shweta Saini. 20. The Context and Conundrums of Contemporary Agriculture/World Bank Group. 21. Agrarian Performance and Food Price Inflation in India: Pre- and Post-Economic Liberalisation/Sthanur R. Nair and Leena Mary Eapen. V. Industry, Services and Infrastructure: 22. Industrial Development and Policies since Independence/Editorial Notes. 23. Economic Reforms and Manufacturing Sector Growth: Need for Reconfiguring the Industrialisation Model/R. Nagaraj. 24. Economic Growth without Employment: The Story of Indian Manufacturing/Jayan Jose Thomas. 25. The Employment Problem in India and the Phenomenon of the Missing Middle/Dipak Mazumdar and Sandip Sarkar. 26. On Strategies for Disinvestment and Privatisation/Vijay Kelkar. 27. Of Omissions and Commissions: India’s Competition Laws/Aditya Bhattacharjea. 28. Clothes and Shoes: Can India Reclaim Low Skill Manufacturing?/Ministry of Finance. 29. India’s Services Sector: Trends, Opportunities and Challengess/Rupa Chanda. 30. Infrastructure and Economic Development/Editorial Notes. 31. Indian Financial Sector: Structure, Trends and Turns/Rakesh Mohan and Partha Ray. VI. The External Sector: 32. India’s External Sector: Policies, Developments and Issues/Editorial Notes. 33. Some Issues in External Sector Management/C. Rangarajan. 34. India’s New Foreign Trade Policy: Pluses and Minuses/Biswajit Dhar. 35. Make in India: Which Exports can Drive the Next Wave of Growth?/Rahul Anand, Kalpana Kochhar and Saurabh Mishra. 36. Foreign Direct and Portfolio Investments Flows and Development: A Perspective on Indian Experience/Nagesh Kumar. 37. India and the WTO/Editorial Notes. 38. Indian Economy Today: An Overview and Comparative Perspective/Uma Kapila.