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Infant Mortality among Primitive Tribal Groups A Regional Analysis of Jharkhand

Infant Mortality among Primitive Tribal Groups A Regional Analysis of Jharkhand

Author:Sarvottam Kumar
ISBN 13:9789355946416
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Tribal Studies

About the Book

The book is the outcome of a Major Research Project on ‘Infant Mortality among the Primitive Tribal Groups in Jharkhand’ sponsored by the University Grants Commission of India in which the author was the sole Principal Investigator. It is observed that high level of infant deaths among the primitive tribes are caused by extreme level of poverty, widespread childhood diseases, non-utilization of modern medical facilities, dearth of health facilities, malnutrition, illiteracy among mothers, non-scientific use of indigenous medicine, poor cleanliness & unhygienic situations, prevailing superstitions about child rearing, non-availability of pure drinking water, poor transportation & communication facilities, delayed breastfeeding, prevalence of single parent family, poor housing design, heavy liquor consumption by the parents, extreme low level of income, low productivity of land and so on and so forth. It analyses the distribution, growth and concentration of PTGs at district level on the basis of census data whereas demographic and socio-economic characteristics, availability of medical and other infrastructural facilities, regional assessment and pattern of infant deaths, health, hygiene and sanitation conditions, morbidity among the children and determinants of infant deaths are examined on the basis of primary data. If the suggested strategies such as involvement of local PTGs as medical staffs, spread of social awareness among the reproductive age group, amelioration in economic prosperity etc. are not introduced for the PTGs in the state, their population will be reduced dramatically in near future. About the Author: Sarvottam Kumar is an Associate Professor and Head in the Department of Geography, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University (DSPMU), Ranchi in Jharkhand. He obtained his M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. He was awarded UGC-JRF Fellowship for his doctoral research work. He not only participated in advance training of ISRO, Dehradun but also framed the curriculum of Diploma in GIS & RS in his working institution, which is still running successfully. He has a teaching experience of more than twenty-five years. He took part as member of syllabus committee in Graduate and Post-graduate Programme several times and he had recently been an active member for preparing the guidelines of NEP in the state of Jharkhand. He has already published one book entitled ‘Rural Male Out-Migration’ and his three research papers are also published in different Indian and foreign edited books. And, he has also many articles published in various reputed research journals. He has already supervised Ph.D. research work and ongoing research works are also in way. His areas of academic interest are Population Geography, Settlement Geography and Statistical Methods in Geography.