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Integral Mission: Exploring Holistic Approach of the Christian Faith

Integral Mission: Exploring Holistic Approach of the Christian Faith

Author:Edited by Paul N Tao and Havei William
ISBN 13:9789351486190
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

The true taste of integral mission is to discover a holistic approach and integrate the need of all creations. It seeks to transform all contextual issues into meaningful content. The greatest mission of Christianity lies in practical implications and not in intellectual arguments. It is based on the experience of faith derived from situational commitment. Thus, the profound human longing for integral mission in the Christian mission is not an anomaly. The mimicry of foreign knowledge in the society and the obsession of religiosities in religion (read church) serve as a bad omen for the future of the society. Integral mission, therefore, is super-organic and engages faith beyond belief. Contents Foreword Preface Part One: Mission and Social Engagement 1. Miracle Narratives of Jesus in Luke: A Self-determination and Solidarity with the Margins and its Significance for Ministry 2. Discerning the Signs of the Times – I: Understanding Our Present World 3. Theological Approach on Poverty and Its Implication for Tribal People Part Two: Mission-Theology and Ecology 4. Discerning the Signs of the Times - II: Caring Nature is Caring Our Own Life 5. Spirituality of Sustainability: Towards Economy and Integral Eco-theology Part Three: Mission and Women Engagement 6. Towards a Gender-just Sexual Ethics: Reimagining Church and Society 7. Property Inheritance and Women Rights in Poumai Customary Laws 8. Your Sons and Daughters Shall Prophesy: A Collaborative Participation in God’s Mission Part Four: Mission and Church Engagement 9. The Problem of Nominalism in the Church Today 10. Expository Preaching vs. Spiritual Nominalism: A Chithenga and Paoki Narrative 11. Biblical and Naga Deacons: A Critique of Using Term for Deacons in Poumai Naga Baptist Association (PNBA) 12. The Prophetic Ministry of the Eighth Century BCE: Prophets and its Relevance for the Ministry of the Church Today 13. A Survey of the Christian Educational System: A Study in Poumai Naga Town Churches - Senapati District 14. Rethinking Church Mission Towards the Alcohol Traders Concerning Poumai Community Part Five: Mission-Theology-Politics and Justice 15. Challenges to Theology from Socio-Political Reality 16. Understanding Holistic Mission from Indigenous Theological Perspective 17. The Mission Motive of God in the Book of Jonah: It’s Theological Implication 18. A Socio-Political Reading of Matthew’s Resurrection Narrative: Implication for Mission Today 19. The Pursuit of Liberation: A Theo-Political Response List of Contributors