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Inter Religious Dialogue: An Interface of Pluralities

Inter Religious Dialogue: An Interface of Pluralities

Author:Y George
ISBN 13:9789351486459
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

This book describes and narrates the subject ‘Inter-Religious dialogue’ in detail. It goes deeply into the meanings and dimensions of various types of dialogue. It examines thoroughly some historical evidences to prove the effectiveness of dialogue. In a multireligious and multicultural society like India everyone must have at least a minimum knowledge of the inter-religious relationship. The rise of hatred and hostility among the people from different religions and cultures is making the common living difficult. The cordiality of the people is slowly disappearing from the society. Division and quarrels among the people on the basis of race and religion is growing fast. Individuals and some organizations are deliberately trying to spread an attitude of enmity in the society. These are the realities today. This work will help to orient the people on right teachings and understandings to overcome the social calamities. Here is the relevance of dialogue. This book aims at a new human society that lives on right understanding, mutual respect and happy living, for which a new path and goal gets revealed through a genuine ‘Inter-religious dialogue’. Contents Preface Introduction Chapter 1: Dialogue – Some Basic Facts 1. Operative Definition of Dialogue 2. Popular Understanding of Dialogue 3. Philosophical Understanding of Dialogue 4. What is Religious Dialogue 5. What is Inter Religious Dialogue 6. Goals of Dialogue 7. Types of Dialogue 8. Some Extended Definitions of Dialogue Chapter 2: Inter – Religious Dialogue Some Case Studies 1. Anglican – Roman Catholic Dialogue 2. Lutheran - Roman Catholic Dialogue 3. The Peru Dialogue / Lima Document / Baptism, Ministry Dialogue 4. Jewish - Christian Dialogue Chapter 3: Indian Context A. Positive Situation 1. Situation Created by Plurality of Religions 2. Diversity of Cultures, Languages, Races etc. 3. Attitude of Toleration among Different Religious Groups 65 4. Historical Background of Tolerance and Co-operation Among Different Communities B. Negative Situation 1. Incomplete Mutual Understanding 2. Prejudices and Hatred Between Communities 3. Histories of Inter-religious Conflicts in India 4. Growing Trend of Communalism Chapter 4: Problems and Challenges of Dialogue 1. Sufficiency Thinking among Dialogue Partners 2. Ignorance and Prejudices 3. Inadequate Knowledge of One’s Own as Well as Other Religions 4. Vested Interest of the Politicians and Elite Groups to use Religions for Their Selfish Gains 5. Lack of Education and Awareness among the Majority Population 6. Narrow Nationalism Chapter 5: Some Universal Affirmations Which Prompt Dialogue 1. The Global Vision of Unity of Humanity in Scriptures and Philosophies 2. The Integral Unity of Creation in the Purpose of God 3. Life as a Gift of God 4. Diversity and Plurality are Designs of God 5. All the Earth and the Resources of the Nature Belong to all God’s People Chapter 6: Dialogue for the Promotion of Secularism 1. What is Secularism? 2. Various Trends Which Damage the Secular Fabric of Our Society 3. Diverse Methods of Dialogue to Promote Secular Values Chapter 7: The True Vision of Humanity Becomes Real Through Dialogue 1. True Humanity is in Eternal Dialogue Within Itself and Refining Itself with the Values 2. The Common Destiny of Humanity Becomes Clear Through Dialogue 3. Transformation of Various Communities to a Global Community Through Dialogue 4. One God and One Community - The Eschatological Hope Becomes Real Through Dialogue About the Author: Rev. Dr. Y. George, hails from a small village Odanavattom, Kottarakara, Kerala. He is a minister of the Marthoma Church and did his postgraduation in Religion and Philosophy from Pune University. He completed his doctorate after submitting his research in Banaras Hindu University. He is an educationist and has been the principal of St. Thomas Higher Secondary School, Ranchi. Also he has served as the administrator and manager incharge of the B.Ed College, Ranny. He has participated and organized several dialogue meetings in India. As a participant he has presented his research papers in various national and international seminars and meetings. He has got a wide range of interests in learning, teaching and dialogue activities.