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Jesus Movement in Synoptic Gospels

Jesus Movement in Synoptic Gospels

Author:Abraham Philip
ISBN 13:9789360658946
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

CONTENTS: Foreword Preface Introduction 1. Reading Synoptic Gospels with Critical Tools and Perspectives 1. Genre of the Gospels – Gospels as Autobiographies, Histories, Narratives (stories, theologies) 2. The Formation of the Synoptic Gospels, Similarities and Differences and the Synoptic Problem: Historical Critical Tools 3. Reading the Synoptic Gospels with New Literary Tools 2. Socio-Political and Religious-Cultural Locations of the New Testament 1. The Political Conditions of the First Century Palestine 2. Socio-Religious and Cultural Conditions of the First Century Palestine 3. Economic Conditions of the First Century Palestine 4. Importance of Social History, Sociological and Cultural Studies in Understanding the Jesus Movement 3. Formative Factors of the Jesus Movement 1. Infancy Narratives 2. Infancy Narrative in Matthew 3. Infancy Narrative in Luke 4. The Movement of John the Baptist 5. Life Style, Qumran Connections, Life and Ministry in the Desert 6. Preparing the Way of the Lord 7. The Teaching and Practices of John the Baptist 8. Social and Political Connections 9. Baptism and Temptations of Jesus 4. Teachings and Praxes of Jesus and the Jesus Movement 1. Teachings of Jesus and His Movement 2. Praxes of Jesus: Foretaste of the Basileia of God 5. The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus 1. Formation of the Passion Narratives 2. Self-giving Life of Jesus: “Ransom for Many” 3. Meaning of Suffering and Cross in the Synoptic Gospels 4. Formation of Resurrection Narratives 5. Meaning and Significance of Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus 6. Jesus of the Jesus Movement 1. Self-understanding of Jesus: Gospel Writers’ Christological Interpretations of the Life and Death of Jesus: Mark, Matthew, and Luke 2. Portraits of Jesus 3. The Historical Jesus in Modern Scholarship from the First to the Third Quest of the Historical Jesus 7. Exegetical Studies Exegesis of the given texts 1. Mark 3:1-6 2. Mark 4:10-12 3. Mark 8:27-38 4. Mark 10:41-45 5. Mark 13:32-37 6. Mark 14:22-25 7. Matthew 2:16-18 8. Matthew 5:1-13 9. Matthew 10:5-15 10. Matthew 18:10-14 11. Matthew 25:31-46 12. Matthew 27:27-54 13. Luke 1:46-55 14. Luke 4:16-19 15. Luke 11:1-13 16. Luke 16:1-14 17. Luke 18:1-8 18. Luke 24:13-27 8. Conclusion Bibliography