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Jesus Tradition in the Johannine Writings

Jesus Tradition in the Johannine Writings

Author:Abraham Philip
ISBN 13:9789395457484
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

The author has written this scholarly work after almost five decades of his study, research and teaching of the Johannine writings. This book has been written according to the syllabus for the Bachelor of Divinity Course under the Senate of Serampore. Close scrutiny and in-depth research into the various topics have been attempted. The milieu, authorship, history and theology of the Gospel of St. John and the Johannine Epistles. The community in which the Gospel is believed to have developed, purpose, and relationship with the Synoptic Gospels, etc., have been studied and in the light of it the theology has been expounded. The images of God in the Johannine Literature, Jesus of the Johannine tradition, the passion of Jesus, images of the Holy Spirit, designs for the new community, Ministry and mission, Johannine Vision of consummation, Soteriology, Ecclesiology and in-depth and exegetical study of various texts prescribed in the syllabus have been done. Lucidity and straight forward utterance mark the style of the book. Contents Foreword Preface Introduction 1. Reading Johannine Literature in Context 1.1. The Influences, Background, and Traditions of Johannine Literature 1.2. Authorship 1.3. Community of John 1.4. Reading Johannine Literature in the Indian Multi-Faith Pluralistic Context 2. Images of God in the Johannine Tradition 2.1. Images and Characterization of God in the Gospel of John 2.2. Johannine Reinterpretation of Patriarchy 2.3. Characterization of God in the First Epistle of John 2.4. Passages for In-Depth Study 3. Jesus of the Johannine Tradition 3.1. Evolution of a Unique Jesus Tradition in John: Method and Content of Reinterpretation, Remodeling, and Enrichment of Jesus Tradition Through Cultural Religious and Philosophical Dialogue 3.2. Differences and Similarities Between John’s Portrayals of Jesus with the Synoptic Portrayal of Jesus 3.3. Christology of the Fourth Gospel in its Relationship to Portrayal in the Synoptic Gospels 3.4. Some Explanations Given on the Relationship Between the Fourth Gospel and the Synoptic Gospels 3.5. Titles and Images of Christ in the Johannine Literature: Logos, Exegete of the Father, the Lamb of God, The Son of God, The Sonof Man The Messiah, The Holy One of God, the Saviour of the World, “I am” Sayings, Light, Life, Bread of Life, Living Water,Shepherd, Door, Vine, Truth, Way, Resurrection 3.6. Jesus’ Own Claims Having Christological Overtones 3.7. Jesus’ Claim of Close Relationship with the Father 3.8. “I am” Sayings 3.9. Christological Titles from the Fourth Gospel Applying Contemporary Perspectives 4. The Passion of Jesus as the Revelation of Glory 4.1. Johannine Reading of the Passion, Cross and Resurrection of Jesus 4.2. Cross as the Revelation of Glory 4.3. Passages for In-Depth Study 5. Holy Spirit in the Johanine Literature 5.1. Jesus and the Holy Spirit 5.2. Holy Spirit and the Sacraments 5.3. Images of the Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel: Wind that Blows, Rivers of Living Water, Spirit of Truth, Paraclete 5.4. Functions of the Holy Spirit: Hermeneut of Jesus, Teacher, Guide, Counselor, Judge, Revealer, Johannine Pentecost 5.5. The Holy Spirit and the Word in the Epistles of John 5.6. Passages for In-Depth Study 6. Designs for the New Community 6.1. Alternative Community in the World (Community of the Beloved Disciple) – the Question of Identity and Minority Living in a World of Powerful Majority 6.2. Imagery of a Grain of Wheat, Shepherd and the Sheepfold, Vine and the Branches 6.3. Community of Service, Love and Fellowship 6.4. Community of Life 6.5. Passages for In-Depth Study 7. Johannine Understanding of Ministry and Mission 7.1. Images of Ministry: Feet Washing (Johannine Transfiguration Story) and Abiding and Fruit Bearing (Johannine Mysticism) 7.2. Johannine Mysticism 7.3. Witness as Mission 7.4. Witness in Conflict – Bringing the Deeds of Darkness to Light 7.5. Witness as Dialogue – Towards Experiencing and Sharing New Birth and New Identity with Others 7.6. Passages for In-Depth Study 8. Johannine Vision of Consummation 8.1. The Realized and Future Eschatology (the Hour is Coming, and has Come, the Last Day) 8.2. Realized Eschatology and Final Eschatology 8.3. Judgment and Eternal Life 8.4. Joy and Abundant Life; Seeing the “Glory” 8.5. Passages for In-Depth Study 9. Texts for Exegesis 9.1. John 2:1-22 9.2. 1 John 1:5-10 9.3. 2 John 9.4. 3 John Conclusion Appendix 1. Soteriology – The Doctrine of Salvation 2. Ecclesiology – Doctrine of the Church 3. Role of the Fourth Gospel in the Growth of Theology in the Early Church Selected Bibliography About the Author: Rev Dr Abraham Philip did his studies at Asram High School, Perumbavoor; U. C. College, Aluva (M.A.in English Literature); L. T. College, Jabalpur (B.D.); Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, England (M.Phil); SATHRI, Bangalore & FFRRC, Kottayam, Serampore University (Doctorate in Theology). After ordination in the Mar Thoma Church in 1979, he has served in many parishes at various locations. Served as the Director of Dr Thomas Mar Athanasius Memorial Orientation Centre, Manganam and has been Professor at the Mar Thoma Theological Seminary for almost two decades and at present continues to be a Professor at the FFRRC. The following are his major publications: He has authored several books. Some of them are (1) Eternal Words (2006); (2) Daily Prayers for the People of God (2011, 2014); (3) Baptism, Eucharist & Ministry (2011, 2014); (4) Words of Eternal Life (2013); (5) An Introduction to the New Testament (2017); (6) Enlightening Words of Truth (2017); (7) History and Theology of the Fourth Gospel (2018); (8) Biblical Hermeneutics: Methods and Perspectives (2020, 2022); (9) Quo Vadis Ecclesia: Church in the 21st Century (editor – 2021); (10) Reading the Apocalyptic, the Book of Revelation: A Commentary (2022); (11) The Life and Faith of the People of God as in the New Testament (2022).