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JIVAKA The Ancient Physician and Surgeon of 5th Century B.C. Critical Appraisal of His Life and Work

JIVAKA The Ancient Physician and Surgeon of 5th Century B.C. Critical Appraisal of His Life and Work

Author:Dr Anilkumar Roy
ISBN 13:9789391952952
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Buddhism

About the Book

Jivaka was contemporary to Gautam Buddha, King Bimbisara and King Ajatasatru. Through by birth from low caste (born to courtesan) due to high intelligence was admitted to the renowned university of Taxila where he completed his medical education under the guidance of Atreya. His name and work is referred in ancient medical texts with reference to the era of Buddhism. The Vihara donated by Jivaka to Buddha and his Sangha is recently discovered and excavated by archaeologists. There are several stories in Indian, Tibetan and Chinese literature about the cases he treated with surgery, medicaments or psychotherapy. To the best of my knowledge this is the first book with a compilation of Jivaka's birth, education and case histories he treated in his lifetime. Few sketches redrawn from standard texts are added for better visuals.