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LADAKH Archaeology and Unraveled History

LADAKH Archaeology and Unraveled History

Author:Dr Sonam Spalzin
ISBN 13:9788184542394
Subject:Art and Archaeology/Archaeology

About the Book

The account of travellers and researches before and during independence of India provide an overview of gradual development of archaeological and historical research. A perusal of this book would provide a clear picture of consistent human presence in Ladakh from the beginning of Holocene (about 10,000 yrs befoe present) based on the archaeological evidence revealed so far. Details of the specific sites where such evidence has been unearthed or areaporated are also given in the appropriate sub-chapters. To place them in global context pre and proto-historic background is also discussed in Global and South Asian context. Comparisonof petroglyphs of Ladakh with those of central Asia is interesting but needs more studies in that direction in future. Further the sites cimprising the evidence of early historic period onwards are elaborated systematically. Monuments and scullptures etc. datable to mostly post-Gupta period onwards including Buddhist Monaseries, Stupas (mchod-rtens), paintings and sculptures are described in the last chapter.