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Literary and Cultural Landscapes Reflections on Literature, Religion, Politics, Philosophy and Gender

Literary and Cultural Landscapes Reflections on Literature, Religion, Politics, Philosophy and Gender

Author:Hema Raghavan
ISBN 13:9788170265313
Subject:Language and literature

About the Book

The book is an attempt to cultivate 'mindfulness'- to see various aspects of life through a gentle, nurturing lens. Literary and Cultural Landscapes looks at the totality of the fundamental issues of life and covers all aspects of human perception. The book is organized in terms of subject matter- Literature, Philosophy, Matters Political, Gender and Culture. It begins with an essay on Physics and Philosophy to narrate the possibility of apprehending the Infinite beyond finite limits. Though the book touches upon different issues, it is not meant to be exhaustive. It is meant to stimulate further thinking in the readers and make them participate in debates about our times-now and in the future. ABOUT THE AUTHOR HEMA RAGHAVAN retired academic-cum-adminstrator, Delhi University has authored books on diverse disciplines that include The Opening of the Human Mind, To Deny Religion its Nothingness, Rebels and Exiles in Samuel Beckett's Plays, The Grtoesque as Style in the Plays of Samuel Beckett, Frontier Concepts in Higher Education, Re-thinking Higher Education. She has been the recipient of many academic awards that include the British Council Scholarship and Visitorship Awards besides Ministry of Education Fellowship. Notable other awards include The Best Citizen of India Award, Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, International Lifetime Achievement Award, International Womens Award.