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LIVING THEOLOGIES: Reflections from Diverse Specificities

LIVING THEOLOGIES: Reflections from Diverse Specificities

Author:Edited by I John Mohan Razu and Arun Kumar Wesley
ISBN 13:9789351485797
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

Living Theologies: Reflections from Diverse Specificities is a compendium of theological, ecclesial and missional articulations from different perspectives that speak to the situations we live by. These reflections have emerged out of the intersections of faith, culture, traditions, ethics, etc., as they provide the rich resource for theologising in a particular context. As we live in difficult situations that are compounded by the pandemic, economic crisis, crony capitalism, discrimination, division and so on, these reflections reassert and reaffirm our faith in God whom we believe. As our journey of faith is beset with problems and issues that threaten our life and the livelihood of people, these reflections provide the means by which we can strengthen our faith in God as he leads us on. To that end, if these reflections find meaning and relevance, to enlarge the horizons of our understanding of God’s plan for us; to provoke and strengthen our faith and encourage us to move forward with God who enables us by his presence to cope with the situations, the editors would be satisfied. Contents Foreword Biography of Rev. Dr. Vincent Rajkumar Editors' Preface Section I - Theology 1. Living Theologies: From Whose Perspective? 2. Living Theology @ 120 F 3. The Politics of Symbols, Speech and Silence: The Kerygmatic Task of Leveraging Language for Liberation and Life 4. Land, Livelihood and Religious Traditions: Re-Configuring Dalit Identity and Re-Imagining a Theology of Life 5. Kingdom of God: An Envisioned New World Order as a Living Theology 6. Towards a Theology of Ahimsa 7. Truth Still Matters! Post Truth Rhetoric and Justice Seeking People 8. Transnational and Trans(a)gressive Multiple Religious Identities: A Public Theological Interrogation of The Multiple Identities of Indian Christian Migrants in the UK 9. Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Justice: Towards a Womanist Theology 10. An Ontological Brooding: An Existential Deconstruction Secton II - Ecclesiology 11. Can Pastoral Praxis Flourish in Institutional Settings?: A Homiletical and Biblical Exploration 12. Eucharist as Decolonial Practice: Celebrating Communion in the Context of Covid- 19 13. Reading the Joseph Episode in the Book of Genesis from the Perspective of 'Trafficking' 14. Ministerial Challenges: Covid-19 15. The Church in the Age of the Pandemic: Some "Abnormal" Reflections 16. Proclaiming Life by Discerning Hope: Encountering the Power of Death 17. Repression, Resistance, and Resolution - Exploring Transgender Self and Hijra Identity in the Autobiographies of Laxmi and Revathi 18. Towards a Rapid Church Growth Explosion: A New Dalit Ecclesial Paradigm 19. Inclusive Theology: A Prerequisite for Evolving a Trinitarian Third Article Ecclesiology Section III - Missiology 20. Mission from the Margins 21. Grounded Openness 22. 'Intimate Terrorism' in the Times of the Global Sabbatical 23. In God's World: Called to be One 24. Hospitality in Secular India: Biblical Perspectives from the Old Testament: Poetic and Wisdom Texts 25. Movements Rising to Life With Jesus 26. Ambedkar and Gandhi: A Short Comparative Narrative and Its Relevance for Contemporary Dalits Movement 27. Women in Visual Images: Remapping the Narrative of the Woman who Anointed Jesus (John 12:1-8) 28. The Indian Church, A Nursery for Citizens! Exploration in Theology of Life 29. Unjust Leadership and Its Repercussions: A Case Study 30. Escaped from the Lion But Caught by the Bear: The Dalit Christians Struggle 31. A Common Search for a Relevant Mission: Reflection on the Long Time Swedish Appreciation of the Ecumenical Movement in India Greetings Contributors