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Love and Covenant in the Old Testament With Special Reference to the Book of Hosea

Love and Covenant in the Old Testament With Special Reference to the Book of Hosea

Author:N Subramani
ISBN 13:9789395457354
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

The imagery and metaphors used in Hosea are best interpreted through the use of socio-rhetorical methodology. With the aid of this methodology, the reading of the metaphors in Hosea has emerged recently; they are used to illustrate social, political, economic and religious relationships. Hosea uses different images, to highlight God’s love for the people of Israel. The images chosen are of human relationships, ones that Israelites can easily understand — marital (husband-wife), parental (parent-child), and healing (physician-patient). These images remind Israel that she has broken the Sinaitic covenant, gravely impairing the relationship. The broken covenant hurts Yahweh and yet he is willing to repair it on account of his “steadfast love.” The images are found in Hosea 2-3, Hosea 11 and Hosea 14, the select texts of our study. The metaphors, with Yahweh as husband, parent and physician, are ones that the Israelites would recognise in human terms. This Yahweh is not the stern Yahweh we are used to seeing in the Old Testament. This is a different, loving Yahweh, who is willing to forgive and forget Israel’s offence and welcome her back into His arms. This image of Yahweh gives a new meaning to the relationship established through the Sinaitic covenant between Yahweh and His people. Contents Preface Abbreviations List of Tables Introduction Chapter 1: A Critical Introduction to the Book of Hosea: Hosea the Prophet - His Time and Life Chapter 2: Socio-Rhetorical Reading of the Book of Hosea: Methodology Chapter 3: A Metaphor of Marital Love: Hosea 2:14–3:5 Chapter 4: A Metaphor of Parental Love: Hosea 11:1–11 Chapter 5: God’s Love and Restoration: Hosea 14:2–9 Chapter 6: The Love and Covenant in the Book of Hosea Chapter 7: Covenant and Its Importance in the Book of Hosea Chapter 8: Implications and Their Relevance of Love in the Contemporary Indian Context Conclusion Bibliography Rev. Dr. N. Subramani serves as the Associate Director Translation and Translation Consultant at the Bible Society of India, based in Bengaluru. He hails from Chennai (Madras). He is Involved in the Bible Translation consultancy for nearly 22 years. He is the resource person for other mission agencies extending help in their Translation projects. He did his theological education under the Senate of Serampore College (University) and holds a Doctorate in Old Testament studies for his research in the book of Hosea. He has published a book entitled “Imagery of Love in the Old Testament: A Socio-Rhetorical Reading of the Book of Hosea.” He has contributed extensively through his writings in many national and international journals. Currently he is engaged in the process of writing a commentary on the book of Song of Songs for the common readers to understand the book in a better and simpler way.