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Maverick Leadership Embracing The Power of Constructive Disobedience

Maverick Leadership Embracing The Power of Constructive Disobedience

Author:Major General Anil Sengar
ISBN 13:9789390095933
Subject:Military Studies

About the Book

It is easy to deal with an ‘Unlawful Order’. How do you deal with a ‘Lawful but an Awful Order’? This book builds a powerful narrative that constructive dissent, constructive disobedience, and positive defiance are positive tools for the long-term sustenance of an organisation. They are an extension of integrity, moral courage and value-based leadership. Covered in sixteen chapters, the book critically examines the theme in all its dimensions. Interesting case studies on the ‘My Lai Massacre’, General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in dealing with a reckless US President in 20-21 and the India-China conflict highlight the complexities and the challenges involved. A critical analysis of the Indian bureaucracy compels serious introspection for overhaul. The wars in the last 100 years, mostly of choice and not necessity, meet the definition of ‘Folly’ and the ‘Law of Stupidity’. The outcome was clear from the beginning, there were alternatives and warnings, and finally, they devastated humanity without bringing any good to the perpetrator. When civil institutional oversight fails or gets compromised, a country’s military and civil society have a critical role to play. They must prevent descent into chaos. It was not the greed of a few corporate honchos but the compliance of many that destroyed flourishing corporates. It was not the obedience of millions of African Americans but the defiance of one black woman that ended racial segregation. It was the defiance of one Indian soldier in the 1857 mutiny that laid the foundation of the Indian freedom movement. Organisations have a natural affinity with oligarchy and exploitation. Constructive dissent and constructive disobedience ensure the long-term good of all stakeholders by preempting fatal decisions. An engrossing food for thought for an intellectual mind. ABOUT AUTHOR Major General Anil Sengar was a recipient of the ‘Sword of Honour’ and ‘Gold Medal’ at the Indian Military Academy in June 1979. Decorated for excellence in combat leadership, he packs a depth of experience having served in varied combat and foreign assignments. He commanded a sterling reputation and left his legacy as a ‘Soldier of Conscience’ that continues to inspire the next generation of officers. He was an ardent practitioner of ‘Constructive Disobedience’ in support of the mission, the men and the organisation. The cause and his conscience provided the motivation to persist and prevail through the organisational friction. Through this book, he shares his perspective on the concept of constructive disobedience to pre-empt fatal decisions by governments, the military, other organisations and self-serving superiors. He is an M. Phil. from the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi, where he was awarded the ‘Gold Medal for All-Round Excellence’. He served as Defence Attaché to Turkey accredited to Syria and Lebanon, where he was awarded the Medal of Honour, Silver Degree, by the Government of Lebanon. Believing that a graveyard is the wealthiest place of regrets and untapped intellectual brilliance, the soldier sheathed his sword and unleashed his pen. He has chosen to die empty by pledging to donate his organs and sharing his vast experience with future generations through stimulating writing. He is a prolific writer on leadership and self-development and a passionate motivational speaker. His other books are: Four Decades in Olive Greens - Pride, Passion and Perspectives, The BE - KNOW - DO of Generalship, Battalion Command - Dare to Lead, Leadership Foundation and Self-Development for Junior Leaders, Golf and Life - The Past is in Your Head and the Future is in Your Hands, Bharatiya Sena men Leadership ke Gurumantra (Hindi)