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Mental Retardation, Parenting Competence and Coping

Mental Retardation, Parenting Competence and Coping

Author:Nongmeikapam Premika Devi
ISBN 13:9788177084979
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Child Studies

About the Book

Mental retardation among children is a source of pain and bewilderment for many families. Children with mental retardation add stress to the family system, but this stress could result in negative or positive adaptation. Just as every family faces a variety of stressors (e.g. illness or loss of job), so also families of children with retardation can be thought of as facing a stressful situation. Mental retardation may be complicated by several different physical and emotional problems. The child may also have difficulty with hearing, sight or speech. In the past, parents were often advised to institutionalize a child with significant mental retardation. Today, the goal is to help the child with mental retardation stay in the family and take part in community life. Mothers are especially influenced by the presence of a disabled child in the family as the increased demands and inconveniences associated with such a situation are still most often met by mothers. Fathers of retarded children have also been found to be depressed, to have lower self-esteem, to express a lack of interpersonal satisfaction and to undergo long-term personality changes resembling a pattern of neuroticism. But there are also findings to the contrary. Most parents with a retarded child, even if they are well adjusted, are likely to experience major psychological stress. Reactions to this stress vary considerably from person to person, but there are some common patterns. The present work is an attempt to study the psychosocial consequences on parents of mentally-challenged children. CONTENTS 1. Mental Retardation: An Introduction 2. Mental Retardation: Opinions and Findings 3. Mental Retardation: Psychosocial Consequences 3.1 Objectives of the Study 3.2 Methodology of the Study 4. Parental Coping: Results and Observations 5. Mental Retardation: Diagnostic Guidelines 5.1 Discussion on Methods 5.2 Discussion on Results 6. Conclusions, Limitations and Suggestions 6.1 Conclusions 6.2 Limitations 6.3 Suggestions for Future Research Work Appendices Appendix I: Semi-structured Proforma Appendix II: ICD-10 Diagnostic Criteria for Mental Retardation Appendix III: Beck Depression Inventory Appendix IV: Self-evaluation Questionnaire Appendix V: PSLE Scale Appendix VI: Coping Check List Supplementary Literature on Protection, Development and Welfare of Children 1. Categories and Problems of Disadvantaged Children 2. Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) 3. Legislative Measures for the Protection of Children 4. Programmes/Schemes for Child Protection, Welfare and Development 5. Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme Bibliography/References Index