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Mural Paintings of Kancipuram

Mural Paintings of Kancipuram

Author:Pramila Lochan and S Subbaraman
ISBN 13:9788194222422
Subject:Art and Archaeology/Painting and Sculpture

About the Book

This publications reflects upon mural painting traditions in select monuments of the heritage city of Kancipuram. It focuses on art historical observations, status of conservation and techniques applied that one can observe in temples located in the same city but distanced in time periods. While expounding a comprehensive appraisal of three of the most important sites at Kancipuram, namely Kailasanatha temple. Trailokyanatha temple and Sri Varadarajaswami temple, the study presents an overview of the development and evolution of painting at Kancipuram keeping in mind the historicity of the place. Based primarily on field studies undertaken from 2002 onwards and existent paintings found in the archaeological monuments and temples, it includes relevant information provided by means of literary and epigraphical sources. It also portrays a pictorial understanding of the earliest traces along with some of the most significant and interesting mural paintings found in and around this temple town.