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My Journey with My Patients

My Journey with My Patients

Author:Kamal Kansal
ISBN 13:9788174673466

About the Book

For a while now, I have been thinking of collecting some of my memorable case reports from my clinical practice that has lasted now almost 45 years. Cases ttttttwere rarities or were of a difficult nature and many that were almost declared incurable. To my pleasant surprise, I found that the list was long. I have followed these cases and their journey for many decades as many diseases have natural remissions and relapses, observing the evolution of ailments, their miasmatic and hereditary tendencies and the effect of treatment to the point of cure. A Physician spends more time in his life with his patients than with his family: so calling it a clinical biographical collection would not be wrong. Every case mentioned in this book was a challenge because most, if not all, came after partial or no relief from lengthy treatments or under the advisement of surgery as a last resort. The patients desired not only avoidance of going under the knife but also achieving relief and cure, which for them would be nolthing less than a miracle. I can confidently say now, with the compilation of these cases that Homoeopathy did provide complete cure--nothing short of a miracle. Among these, cases relating to Infertility and Cancer always remain special to me. Helping couples to beget GOD's wounderful fift, a new life, and helping terminal patients live their last years in comfort with their families provided me with immense soul satisfaction. Many cases are from my own family whose unshakeab le faith in me led to many miraculous recoveries, further enhancing my confidence in Homoeopathy. I would be doing grave injustice gto my patients if I do not underline here thaat it was not a one-way deal between my patients and me. While I made sincere efforts to cure the nearly incurable maladies they came to me with, they gave me something priceless in return; they contributed to my growth and my maturing into a successful Homoeopathic physician. The patients also acted as my teacher, as from them I learnt gthe finer details of diverse serious cases and their cure. This work is my humble effort effort to repay the debt I owe them.