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Noble Economics A Historcal Commentary from the Classical Angle

Noble Economics A Historcal Commentary from the Classical Angle

Author:P R Brahmananda
ISBN 13:9789352626380

About the Book

This book is an attempt, probably among the first, at a critical history of post-Second War Economic Analysis centering on the contributions of the forty and above “Nobel” Economists. These contributions have been appraised in background of the developments in economics from the Twenties onwards. There is also a thematic survey of major analytical contributions in the modern period. Parallels between modern developments and earlier contributions have been touched upon. The standpoint throughout is that of the classical and the post-classical perspectives. The relevance of the Nobel contributions to development economics is examined and an account of the Sraffian economics in the light of synthesis along Marshallian and Schumpeterian lines has also been provided. The treatment throughout is abstract and can be grasped by research scholars all over the world. Contents - 1. Introduction 2. Pre-Nobel Economics: From The Mid-Twenties To The Mid-Forties 3. Major Developments In Economics In The Post-Second War Period 4. Statics And Dynamics, Theory, Growth Empirics (Frisch, Tinbergen, Samuelson, Kuznets) 5. General Equilibrium, Welfare (Hicks And Arrow) 6. Input-Output, Economics And Social System, Programming (Leontief, Hayek, Myrdal, Kantarovich And Koopmans) 7. Money, Trade, Organisation, Development (friedman, Meade, Ohlin, Simon, Schultz & Lewis) 8. Macro-Models, Finance, Industry, Value, Social Accounts (Kleins, Tobin, Stigler, Debreu & Stone) 9. Saving, Public Choice, Growth, Allocation, Econometrics (Modigliani, Buchanan, Solow, Allais & Haavelmo) 10. Portfolios, Social Costs, Family Economics (Markowitz, Miller, Sharpe, Coase & Becker) 11. Cliomertrics, Game Theory (North, Fogel, Nash, Harsanyi & Selten) 12. Rational Expectations, Information Asymmetry, Derivatives (Robert J. Lucas-William, J. Vickrey, James Mirrlees, Robert.C.Merton & Myron Scholes) 13. Social Choice & Applied Welfare (Amartya Sen) 14. Nobel Economics & Developing Countries 15. Aspects Of Nobel Economics And Awards 16. Nobel Peer Economics 17. The Tradition Of Classical Economics: Piero Sraffa And Others And In A Different Light 18. Concluding Observations About the Author: Late Dr. P.R. Brahmananda has been a professor at the Department of Economics. Mumbai University and is currently an honorary fellow of the Institute for Social and Economical Journal. In 1996 he was nominated for the Financial Express Award for the outstanding economist of the year. Dr. Brahmanand is known as a pioneer in the early Fifties for studies in Welfare Economics from a classical and Marshallian angle and of researches in development economics from the angle of under-developed Countries. In the mid-fifties, he developed the wage-goods model of development with special accent on employment and income. In sixties he helped to develop modern classical analysis in value, development, money and international trade and related spheres along the lines of the Ricordosraffa tradition. In the late Sixties, he evolved the new classical approach to macroeconomics strictly along classical lines. He also worked out the classical theory of liquidity for the modern per