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Northern Neighbour Southern Concerns Political, Strategic and Economic Dimensions of Nepal-China Relations

Northern Neighbour Southern Concerns Political, Strategic and Economic Dimensions of Nepal-China Relations

Author:Pramod Jaiswal
ISBN 13:9789383930913
Subject:Indian Politics and International Relations

About the Book

International politics is the realm where great powers constantly seek opportunities to expand their hegemonic role. In this realm, small states on the peripkhery of great powers face intense pressures, leading to limits on their sovereignty. Nepal, a landlocked country between China and India, is a classic case of a small state striving to preserve its sovereignty. The two Asian powers have been locked in an intense security competition to expand their hegemony in Nepal. Northern Neighbour Southern Concerns: Political, Economic and Strategic Dimensions of Nepal China Relations delves deeper into multiple nuances of Nepal's foreign policy with China. The book focuses on the development of Nepal's relation with China after the reintroduction of democracy in Nepal through the first people's movement of 1990. It traces Nepal's ties with China through the most crucial and momentous of the changes in Nepal's history. In broad strokes, the book discusses China's strategic imperatives and needs vis-avis Nepal and examines the political, economic and strategic ties between the two. In tandem, it looks south to analyse the ways in which India, with its log history of involvement in Nepal, viewed the emerging Kathmandu-Beijing rapprochement. The book juxtaposes Nepal's relations with China against those with India, and critically analysis the Indian reaction and response to Kathmandu's dislomatic overtures to Beijing.