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NOTES FROM THE EDGES: Theological Intonations

NOTES FROM THE EDGES: Theological Intonations

Author:Baiju Markose
ISBN 13:9789351485322
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

This is an anthology of thirty-one erudite theological essays on various themes primarily written in the pandemic context, attempting to unplug the social-edges through the lens of scripture and radical Christian faith. These reflective notes uncover the social and scriptural edges and externalize the radical silence that dwells on edges and margins. As creative theological intonations, these notes replete with mystical experiences, poetical scribblings, and creative imaginations, shadowing the author’s ontological questions, healing-journey, and processual-becomings. Contents Foreword Preface 1. Micro Eschatology from the Edges 2. Life @ Eschata 3. The Neoliberal Virus and Systems View of Life 4. Sacramentality of Slowing Down 5. We-"INTER" - are 6. God in the Backyard 7. Infinite Debt and the "We" Factor 8. Kids Kindling Kin[g]dom Cues 9. Holiness, a.k.a Life Intensity 10. The Art of Exit 11. Travel as Resistance 12. Re-imagining the Maternal 13. Ark of Intimacy 14. Eucharistic Third Space 15. Diakonia: Practice of Death & Resurrection 16. Easter: Counter Speech and Alter Life 17. Heart-Art-Re-start 18. Trans-letting the Message 19. Uncharted Terrains in Pastoral Theology 20. On Era(s)sing the Caste 21. Interfaith Imperatives: Postcolonial Lens-ing 22. Christmas-Moments of Missional Re-imagination 23. God-Talk during the Pandemic 24. Silence and Linguistic Debt 25. Facing the Facelessness 26. Eshoing Eco-spirit 27. Subaltern Mysticism 28. Dwelling in the Thickness 29. "I Can't Breathe;" A Call for Micro-Pneumatology 30. Tikkun ha-Olam: Repairing the World 31. Can the "Religious" Speak Again? Bibliography