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Of Matters Military Evolving Challenges

Of Matters Military Evolving Challenges

Author:Major General Mrinal Suman
ISBN 13:9789389620382
Subject:Military Studies

About the Book

The book deals with the evolving challenges confronting the armed forces. After identifying major impediments to the modernisation of the armed forces, the book suggests creation of an independent and duly empowered body to oversee the complete gamut of development, production, procurements and export of defence systems. Participation of the armed forces in aid to civil authority has been a matter of intense debate. Delving deep into the issues involved in rendering such aid, the book scans a vast canvas, from sinking shafts for nuclear tests to constructing foot-over-bridges for the railways. Investment in defence is an essential cost that a nation has to pay to obtain assurance of safety. The book stresses the need to inculcate a culture of cost consciousness in defence expenditure. It also underlines the importance of defence economics as a discipline. Finally, as the debate about the entry of women in the armed forces has always been highly subjective in nature, an attempt has been made to highlight common misconceptions. Contents: Part - 1 Lending a Helping Hand 1. Pokhran II: The Challenge of Sinking Shafts 2. Army’s Aid to the Railways Raised Many Eyebrows 3. Employment of Army in Aid of Civil Authority 4. Need for a Specialised Force for Internal Unrests 5. Flood Relief: Another Perspective 6. Combat Engineer Support in Siachen Glacier Part - 2 Organisational Issues 1. Jointmanship and Attitudinal Issues 2. Shortage of Officers in the Services 3. Impediments to the Modernisation of the Indian Defence Forces 4. Shooting in the Foot Services Style 5. Defence Reforms: Expert Committees or Futile Charades 6. Colonel Commandants: An Archaic and Parochial Institution 7. Indian Army: Need to Change with Times 8. The Defence Ministry Abhors Reforms 9. Shortage of Officers of Requisite Quality is a Matter of Concern for the Army 10. Need to Bridge Inter-Services Trust Deficit Part - 3 Of Configurations 1. Need for Defence and Aerospace Commission 2. ‘Teeth to Tail Ratio’: An Archaic Concept 3. India Needs Association of Defence Manufacturers 4. Lateral Induction of Ex-servicemen 5. India Needs Independent Defence Think Tanks 6. Defence University for India: An Appraisal of the Proposition 7. Border Roads Organisation: A Dynamic Organisation in Distress Part - 4 Defence Economics 1. Defence Economics and its Application to Indian Defence Planning 2. Outsourcing of Defence Logistics 3. Defence Finance: Authority sans Accountability 4. Essentiality of Financial Prudence in Defence Spending 5. Delays in Defence Spending and Surrender of Funds 6. Affordability in Defence Procurements 7. Need for Reforming the Defence Budgeting Regime Part - 5 Military and Civil Society 1. Denigrating the Armed Forces: A Dangerous Agenda 2. When Media Becomes Irresponsible 3. Public Standing of the Indian Military 4. Military and Media: Need for Mutual Sensitisation 5. Redeeming the Standing of the Army 6. Military Leadership and Trial by Media Part - 6 Women in the Services 1. Women in the Indian Armed Forces 2. Women in the Armed Forces: Misconceptions and Facts 3. Feedback on Women in the Army: Asset or Liability? 4. Women in the Foreign Militaries 5. Women Fighter Pilots: A Slapdash Act of Tokenism 6. Women in Combat: Unravelling the Facts.