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Origin and Development of Christianity among the Adis: Socio-Cultural & Historical Approach with critical analysis of Adi Baptist Union

Origin and Development of Christianity among the Adis: Socio-Cultural & Historical Approach with critical analysis of Adi Baptist Union

Author:Yabur Palon
ISBN 13:9789351486510
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

The research work on Adi Christianity in particular and Adi society in general has very scanty written records from the native side. Few documents found were either unpublished or were records maintained by the missionaries which though serve as a valuable source of information but in a way inadequate. In addition, few among the Adi Christian pioneers who are aliveare facing various challenges to construct inclusive history of their own. So, this book is a first attempt of urgent search for the Origin and Development of Christianity among the Adis with special reference to Adi Baptist Union, analyzing its present development and challenges as its concluding remark. The book focuses mainly on the origin of Adi Christianity-calculating all determinants involved, and particular development of Adi Baptist Union as an organized body, with critical reflection on ongoing contextual issues that church needs to address cautiously. Contents Foreword Acknowledgement List of Abbreviations General Introduction Chapter 1: The Adi and Their Culture Introduction 1. The Traditional Adi Society 2. Political Dimension 3. Economic Dimension 4. Religious Dimension Conclusion Chapter 2: The Historical Development of Adi Christianity Introduction 1. Inflow of Christianity in Adi Lands 2. Development of Different Foreign Mission towards the Adi and Its Consequences 3. Basic Mission Strategies Opted by the Missionaries 4. The Nascence of Siang Baptist Christian Association (SBCA) and The Period of Persecution 5. Adi and Its Affiliated Mission Agencies and Mission Partnership Conclusion Chapter 3: The Interaction of Adi Culture and the Christianity Introduction 1. Christianity and the Introduction of New Elements in the Adi Society 2. Issues Emerged Due to Interaction of Adi Culture and Christianity Conclusion Chapter 4: The Adi Baptist Union (ABU) and Its Administrative Set Up Introduction 1. The Historical Reasons for Having Centralised Administration 2. The Union-Name, Society Registration, Operational Area and Headquarters 3. Organisational Structure of the ABU 4. Ministerial Structure of the ABU 5. Administrative Structure of ABU 6. The Doctrinal Stand of ABU 7. The ABU Pioneers 8. The ABU Budget and Annual Plans 9. The Present ABU Leaders Conclusion Chapter 5: The External and Internal Determinants that Affects Growth and Failure of ABU Introduction 1. The Role and Contributions of Missionaries as the External Determinants for the Growth of Adi Christianity or ABU 2. The Role and Contributions of Local Adi Christians as the Internal Determinants for the Growth of Adi Christianity or ABU 3. Factors Responsible for the Failure of Adi Christianity or ABU Conclusion Chapter 6: Critical Analysis of Adi Christianity Introduction 1. Contextualised Church 2. Proper Pastor System 3. Strict Obedience to Associational Bye Laws or the Constitution 4. Promotion and Motivation on Theological Education 5. Proper Ministerial Training 6. Promotion of Computer Education or Right Use of Mass Media 7. Awareness Campaign on Power Politics 8. Vision for the Unity, Cooperation and Greater Oneness of Adi Christians for the Mission of God 9. Propagation of Unity of Inter-Denominations 10. Promotion of Education for all Citizens-Irespective of Caste, Creed, Gender, Age etc Reaffirmation of Adi Christianity Conclusion General Conclusion Annexure-I Annexure-II Bibliography Glossary Miss Yabur Palon is a full-time worker at Adi Baptist Union (ABU), Arunachal Pradesh. She is currently serving as a Lecturer at Jubilee Bible School Sille, Pasighat; East Siang District. With Political Science background, she further pursued Bachelor of Divinity (BD) in 2010-2014 and Master of Theology (History of Christianity) in 2018-2020 from Academy of Integrated Christian Studies, Aizawl; awarded with Upa Khumtira Memorial Award (Proficiency Award/Academic Excellence) at AICS.