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Peasants' Resentments and Resistance: A Glimpse on Rural of Sikkim 1914-1950 Hardcover

Peasants' Resentments and Resistance: A Glimpse on Rural of Sikkim 1914-1950 Hardcover

Author:Rajen Upadhyay
ISBN 13:9789351282655
Subject:History/Modern Period

About the Book

Peasants' Resentments and Resistance- A Glimpse on Rural Past of Sikkim 1914-1950', an outcome of my PhD thesis submitted to Kumaun University in 2014, highlights about the several modus operandi adopted by the Sikkimese peasantry to resist feudalism during World War period. Distress and pains of feudalism in the inaccessible villages, their troubles, their strategies in defending the feudal yoke, their folksongs, their hidden transcripts, grudge, and antipathy against feudal set up, their reluctance and resistance against the monopoly, their unanimity in combating feudalism, the hidden history with abominations against the feudal machinery, and eventually their assimilation with a political organization for a far reaching change are some of the important areas that have been highlighted in this work.