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People of the Prayerwheel (Revised and Enlarged Edition 2013)

People of the Prayerwheel (Revised and Enlarged Edition 2013)

Author:Parmananda Sharma
ISBN 13:9789380359977
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Buddhism

About the Book

I am extremely happy that the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives is able to publish People of the Prayer Wheel by Professor Parmananda Sharma. Professor Sharma is a well-known senior scholar with close links with academia. He has worked as a teacher and as a principal of a government college, and has been active in the intellectual life of the community through his participation in discussions, meetings and conferences. He is the author of several published books all of which?including People of the Prayer Wheel?demonstrate his outstanding intellectual acumen, insight and scholarship. Professor Sharma is an intellectual with personal integrity and discipline. In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, we talk about a desired state where one?s scholarship does not destroy one?s discipline and discipline does not destroy scholarship. It is the fine harmony of scholarship and discipline by which one is able to rise above all others in making oneself serviceable to the community. This is the purpose of life. Professor Sharma has achieved this harmony and demonstrated a commitment to the job at hand. He has been a member of the governing body of the LTWA for almost thirty years and I do not think he has missed a meeting during his tenure. Such is his commitment and support of any good work that is being done. For we Tibetans, Professor Sharma is one of our most long-standing and reliable friends?an ?all weather friend? as we say. Because of his sincerity and commitment, he has always received the blessing of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Sharma for being such an extraordinary friend of the LTWA and the Tibetan people.