Petroleum Geology of India: Exploration, Prospect Generation, Drilling, Evaluation Assessment and Indian Sedimentary Basins
Author: | G N Rao |
ISBN 13: | 9789390435845 |
Binding: | Hardbound |
Language: | English |
Year: | 2022 |
Subject: | Geology |
About the Book
'The book on Petroleum Geology of India an attempt of its kind, to be useful for postgraduate students of Science (Geology and Geophysics) and graduate students of Engineering and Technology studying the courses in petroleum science and technology in various Institutions. It is also useful to geoscientists, engineers and technologists working in the oil industries dealing with exploration, production. The book provides information on petroleum exploration processes involved in petroleum generation, migration and accumulation in sedimentary basins, maturation of source rocks, and evaluation of their genetic potential. It deals with the principles and applications of sub-surface geological, geochemical, and geophysical including both surface and logging methods and also drilling technologies for both hydrocarbon exploration and production prospecting of hydrocarbons for prioritising Read more
Table of Contents
Forewordvii Prefaceix 1.Introduction1 2.Sedimentary Environments-Basin Classification15 3.Petroleum Generation and Expulsion47 4.Hydrocarbons Entrapment and Petroleum System71 5.Surface Geophysical Methods: Oil Exploration91 6.Drilling Engineering145 7.Well-Logging in Oil and Gas Exploration197 8.Reservoir Engineering249 9.Petroleum Economics: Development of Oil and Gas field307 10.Petroliferous Basins of India335 Category I Upper Assam Basin341 Assam Arakan Fold Belt370 Cambay Basin387 Cauvery Basin427 Krishna Godavari Basin461 Mumbai Offshore Basin509 Rajasthan Basins539 Category II Andaman and Nicobar Basin555 Kutch-Saurastra Basins571 Mahanadi Basin585 Category III Bengal Basin601 Vindhyan Basin622 Kerala-Konkan Laccadive Basin630 Himalayan Foreland Basins642 Punjab Basin657 Ganga Basin662 Category IV Pranhita Godavari Basin667 PalarPennar Basins675 Purnea Basin683 Satpura
Basin688 South Rewa Basin694 Proterozoic Basins699 References703 Index785
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About the Author/Editor
Dr. G.N. Rao was born in Vizianagaram on 17th April 1953 and graduated in Geology from the Maharajahs College. He obtained his Masters in Applied Geology from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam in 1975 with first rank. He joined in Oil and Natural Gas Commission in 1976 as Geologist. He served in the organization for more than 34 years in different capacities which made him obtain experience in oil Exploration and Development right from basic geological data collection in an exploratory well to generation of a drillable prospect. His experience started in Assam and in Bengal Mahanadi, Krishna Godavari and Cauvery Basins. He obtained M.Tech., in Petroleum Exploration from IIT (ISM) in 1984. He was the person for complete understanding the Basin analysis of Krishna Godavari Basin which also made him to devise the Litho-startigraphic nomenclature of the Basin. He worked in foreign basin
wing in the KDMIPE and also obtained experience in technical Docket preparation for offered exploration Blocks by the Government. He obtained Doctorate on the Sub-surface Geology of the Krishna-Godavari Basin from the Andhra University in 1994. He was awarded Energy award by The Geological Society of India in 2001and published paper award by ONGC. He was trained in the Asian Institute of Management in Manila and in the operation of mud-logging unit of M/s Geoservices in France. He worked also as Country Manager of ONGC-Videsh Limited in Libya to take care of exploratory activity. He worked as General Manager (Exploration and Production) in Star Oil Company in Sudan. Later he was consultant for the National Oil Company of Angola to make plan and monitor the Brown fields of the nation. Presently on professional front he is teaching for post graduate students in Petroleum Exploration as Honorary Professor and guest Lecturer in Andhra University, Aditya College and JNTU, Kakinada. He is also Board of Studies Member for Petroleum Engineering in Aditya College (Autonomous). His Technical publications are about 25 in different national and International Journals, which includes one in AAPG about KG Basin.