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Pluriform Mission in the Post-Modern World

Pluriform Mission in the Post-Modern World

Author:Edited by Mudita Menona Sodder and Ebenezer D Dasan
ISBN 13:9788119434930
Published On:1st July 2024
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

CONTENTS: Foreword, Editorial, Memoir, Introduction, AI From a Missiological Perspective-J Patmury, Mission and Eschatology-Julian Saldanha SJ, Postmodernism Shaping UrbaaaaaaIndia in Terms of Social, Economic and Political Life-J N Manokaran, Climate Change: Planet's Biggest Existential Crisis-Mudita Menona Sodder RSCJ, Mission among the Peoples: An Interative Paradigm of Good New-M D Thomas, Stimulating Deeper thoughts in Human Society-Thomas Menamparampil SDB, A Re-Look at Mission Concept and Missiology-Jacob Kavunkal SVD, Gandhi's Vision of Education: A Handbook for Christian Mission in Education-Paul Vellarackal, 'Cyberchurch Christians' in Cyberculture: Emering Missiological Phenomenon in the Postmodern World-K Vijyan, Reading John's Gospel from a Glocal-Mission Perspecdtive-Johnson Thomaskutty, Mission to Youth Today in the Post-Modern World-Joseph Valiamangalam SJ, Art Inculturation as a Mission Tool in India-H Lalnunmawia, Appropriation of Faiths in the Prayer of King Solomon (I Kings 8:41-43 and II Chronicles 6:32-33): A Missiology for the Indian Context-Vinod S Sailus, Holistic Contextualization as the Postmodern Paradigm-Ebenezer D Dasan, The Understanding of Mission among the Pentecostal/Charismatic/New Age/ New Generation Churches in India: Issues and Challenges-V V Thomas, Author's Byline.