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Police Administration Under the British Rule: In the Northern Range of the Madras Presidency 1924-47

Police Administration Under the British Rule: In the Northern Range of the Madras Presidency 1924-47

Author:B Roja
ISBN 13:9788121212571
Subject:Police Studies

About the Book

The Northern range was one of the police divisions of the erstwhile Madras Presidency of the British India. This range included the Northern most part of the present Andhra Pradesh state and the Southern part of Orissa state, which included the districts of Ganjam, Jeypore, Vizagapatam, Godavari, Kistna, Guntur and Nellore. The police administration formed an important wing of the public and judicial administration. This book provides a mechanism for understanding the important role played by the police, its characteristics of use of both force and consent in maintaining British rule. This book also highlights the police administration from the Deputy Inspector General of Police to the constable and from the district police headquarters to the police station at various levels of the range and also includes the organizational structure, police functions, crimes, special police forces and police public relationship with reference to selection, recruitment, training, discipline, dismissals, promotions, rewards, grave crimes and other offences. This book is intended to provide a good understanding for those pursuing academic research and also useful to the general readers also.