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Political Islam Parallel Currents in West Asia and South Asia (Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses)

Political Islam Parallel Currents in West Asia and South Asia (Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses)

Author:Adil Rasheed
ISBN 13:9789390095964
Subject:Indian Politics and International Relations

About the Book

CONTENTS: Acknowledgments, Preface, Abbreviation, Part I (INTRODUTION) 1. How Political is Islam?, The Many Faces of Political Islam or Islamism, Political Quietism, Activists and Accommodatioists, Radical Islamism, Legalist Parties, Violent and Non-Violent Radicals, Essential Constituents of Supposed Islamic Polity, Structure of the Book, PART II (HISTORY OF MUSLIM POLITICAL THOUGHT IN ASIA, AFRICA) The Prophet and the Pious Caliphs, 2. The Prophet and His Divine Mission, 3. Reign of Abu Bakr: The First Caliph, 4. Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab: Blueprint for Islamic Administration, 5. Uthman ibn Affan: The Assassination of a Caliph, 6. Caliph Ali ibn Talib and the First Fitna (Tribulation), 7. Battle of Karbala and Umayyad Dynastic Caliphate, 8. Political and Religious Ferment in Umayyad Rule, (ABBASID GOLDEN AGE AND THE NEW COSMOPOLITY) 9. Abbasid Revolution and the Pivot to Persia, 10. Disintegration of the Caliphate: Rise of Sufi and Shia Power, (THE MONGOLS AND THE RESURGENT WEST), 11. Mongol Attacks, the Crusades and the Gunpowder Empires, 12. Saudi Wahhabism, Pan-Islamist Salafism and Decline of Safavid Empire, (TURKISH, ARAB, IRANIAN NATIONALIST MOVEMENTS) 13. Turkish Tanzimat Reforms and Dissolution of the Ottoman, 14. Arab and Iranian Nationalism against European Colonialism, (THE AGE OF POLITICAL ISLAM) 15. Islamism, Jihadism and Modern Reformers (1900-2020), PART III (HISTORY OF MUSLIM POLITICAL THOUGHT IN SOUTH ASIA) Political Exclusivism versus Syncretism in South Asia, 16. Ingress of Islamic Political Rule and Thought into India (712-1526 CE), 17. Akbar's Eclecticism and the Puritanical Backlash (1526-1707 CE), (MODERN MUSLIM RADICALISM IN SOUTH ASIA) 18. Muslim Fundamentalism in India under British Colonialism (1707-1857 CE), 19. Indian Muslims: From Rulers to Subjects of British Raj (1857-1920), 20. Two-Nation Theory and the Rise of Radical Islam in India (1920-2022) PART IV (EPILOGUE) 21. Parallel and Distinctive Political Currents in West Asia and South Asia, Muslim Oriental Despotism in India, India: A Refuge for Islamdom during Mongol Invasions, Muslim Rule in South Asia: The Ashraf, Ajlaf, Arzal Caste System, Impact of Indian Radical Movements on West Asia, Select Bibliography, Index. (387 pages)