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Professional Aspiration Pattern of Prospective Teachers

Professional Aspiration Pattern of Prospective Teachers

Author:Shruti Tandon
ISBN 13:9788179067888
Subject:Education and Psychology

About the Book

Education is a process of bringing or moulding a young for living a congenial and comfortable life. For educating the children, a process should be applied which many innovate and motivate them to think, reason, comprehend, analyze and finally learn by upsurging out their hidden carefully nurtures and passed on to younger generation, so as to enable the students to prove their dedication, sincerity, integrity, devotion and eradication in learning and knowing things. Therefore, the classroom teaching is considered important till now. The special importance of teaching profession lies the fact that if not only prepares the individual to adjust to social changes but also to adjust to and develop the constantly changing growing human nature. It seeks and inculcates truth, emphasizing its personal and social values. With the increasing knowledge of child psychology and development in the science of pedagogy, teaching, specially school teaching, is now being recognized as an expert's job for which a sound programme is essential. For this very reason, the Teachers Training Institutions must shoulder the responsibility of giving the students -teaches all those experiences which are essential so that they may face the teaching-learning situation with courage, patience and confidence in their real word of work. Understanding of the professional orientation, the aspiration-pattern and the professional socialization of prospective teachers may help in this direction. The present book is based on the research work carries out by the author to know, understand and introspect into some of the important issues and dimensions of pre-service teacher's training like professional aspiration pattern, professional socialization, Role-Set of student-teachers and their future roles followed by conclusion and suggestions.