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Project Management: The Managerial Aspects

Project Management: The Managerial Aspects

Author:G P Sudhakar
ISBN 13:9788177085150
Subject:Commerce and Management

About the Book

Poor project management and execution leads to considerable wastage of resources on the part of business enterprises. This indicates the need for a systematic study of project management techniques. Knowledge, skills, experience, leadership and competencies of a project manager impact the success of a project. Learning project management from macro management point of view can increase the success rate of a project. This book provides insights into various concepts, definitions, research findings, industry best practices, tools and techniques for project management and scope for further research. In short, it is intended to provide systematically arranged authentic information on managerial dimensions of project management. The book is organized into 3 parts: Part I (chapters 1 to 6) is titled Strategy and Project Management. Apart from introduction to managerial aspects of project management, it covers topics such as basics of project strategy, characteristics of content development projects, nature of work of a global manager, role of conflicts in top management teams, and a case study of Tata Group. Part II (chapters 7 to 13) is titled Project Management Research. It deals with such topics as project success requirements, success factors for software projects, conflict management techniques, lessons from Bhagavad Gita in project management, success factors for offshore software development projects, scientific versus social science research methodology, and research in management. Part III (chapters 14 to 20) is titled People Aspects in Project Management. It is devoted to explanation and examination of different dimensions of teams, performance of software development teams, recruitment strategies of Indian IT firms, software programmers, software organizations, and project stakeholders and technology. CONTENTS Part I: Strategy and Project Management 1. Introduction to Managerial Aspects of Project Management 1.1 What is a Project? 1.2 What is Project Management? 1.3 Project Management in India 1.4 Project Governance and Strategy 1.5 Project Management Research Areas 1.6 Project Management Frameworks and Models 1.7 Human Aspects of Project Management 1.8 Project Teams 1.9 Project Control 2. Basics of Project Strategy 2.1 Individual Project Status Check 2.2 Risk Management 2.3 Needed Skills for Program Management 2.4 Prioritize the Projects 2.5 Maintaining a Resource Pool 2.6 Evaluation of the EPM Tools 2.7 Identification of Stakeholders 2.8 Project Planning 2.9 Communicating the Project Plan 2.10 Project Execution 2.11 Evaluating Team Member Performance 2.12 Training and Development 2.13 Releasing the Deliverables 3. Program Management of Content Development Projects 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Uniqueness of Content Development Projects 3.3 Content Development Program Planning 3.4 Identifying the Content Development Projects 3.5 Make or Buy Decisions 3.6 Co-ordination between Different Projects 3.7 Relationship Management with Vendors 3.8 Challenges in Content Development Programs 3.9 Benefits and Value to the Stakeholders 4. The Global Manager 4.1 What is a Global Organization? 4.2 Categories of Global Managers 4.3 Nature of a Global Manager’s Work 4.4 Skills Needed by a Global Manager 4.5 Need for Orientation 4.6 Training and Development for Global Managers 5. Conflicts in Top Management Teams (TMTs) 5.1 Categories of Conflicts 5.2 Findings of Various Studies on Conflicts in TMTs 5.3 Reasons for Conflicts in Top Management Team 5.4 Conflict Resolution Techniques 5.5 Impact of Conflicts on TMT Performance 6. Tata Group: A Case Study 6.1 Tata Group: History and Legacy 6.2 Tata Group Performance Part II: Project Management Research 7. Project Success Factors 7.1 What is Project Success? 7.2 Project Team 7.3 Organizational Factors 7.4 Technical Factors 7.5 Environmental Factors 7.6 Other Factors 8. Critical Success Factors for Software Projects 8.1 Software Projects 8.2 Software Projects are Different 8.3 Success Factors for Software Development Projects 9. Conflict Management Techniques in Projects 9.1 Conflict Defined 9.2 Categories of Conflicts 9.3 Conflict Life Cycle 9.4 Models of Conflict Management 9.5 Identification of Reasons for Conflicts in Projects 9.6 Conflict Resolution Techniques 9.7 Conflict Analysis 9.8 Choosing the Best Alternative 9.9 Review the Impact 10. Project Management Insights from Bhagavad Gita 10.1 About Bhagavad Gita 10.2 Project Stakeholders 10.3 Project Management Concepts and Framework from Bhagavad Gita 10.4 Task Characteristics 10.5 Project Execution 10.6 Project Leader Characteristics 10.7 Individual (Team Member) Behaviour 11. Critical Success Factors for Offshore Software Development Projects 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Features of Offshore Projects 11.3 Why Offshore Projects are Tricky? 11.4 Success Factors for Offshore Software Projects 11.5 Success Story of India as Provider of Software Services 11.6 Strategies of Indian IT Companies 12. Scientific versus Social Science Research Methodology 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Conceptual Research 12.3 Empirical Research 12.4 Model Research Methodology 12.5 Experimental Research 12.6 Formal Methodologies 12.7 Build Research Methodology 12.8 Process Research Methodology 12.9 Simulation Methodology 13. Research in Management: From Identification to Publication 13.1 Problem Definition 13.2 Literature Review 13.3 Conceptual Model Development 13.4 Define Hypotheses 13.5 Research Design and Methodology 13.6 Data Collection, Correction and Preparation 13.7 Data Analysis by Statistical Techniques 13.8 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 13.9 Research Findings 13.10 Publishing Research Papers Part III: People Aspects in Project Management 14. People Side of Modern Project Management 14.1 Recruitment 14.2 Induction 14.3 Setting Objectives 14.4 Work Allocation 14.5 Communicating with Other Team Members 14.6 Facing Conflicts 14.7 Conflict Resolution Techniques 14.8 Performance Appraisals 14.9 Motivating Team Members 14.10 Training and Development 14.11 Moving Between Projects 15. Different Dimensions of Teams 15.1 Meaning and Characteristics of a Team 15.2 Quantitative Dimensions of a Team 15.3 Qualitative Dimensions of a Team 16. Managing Dynamics in Teams 16.1 Team Development Stages 16.2 Managing Communications in the Team 16.3 Virtual Teams 16.4 Relationship among Team Members 16.5 Relationship with a Manager 16.6 Working in Different Organizational Structures 16.7 Self-managed Worker and Team 16.8 Managing Differences and Conflicts in Team 16.9 Leadership in Teams 16.10 Human Resource Skills Required for Managers 17. Recruitment Strategies of Indian IT Firms 17.1 Sources of Talent Pool 17.2 Temporary to Permanent Employment 17.3 Recruiting Old or Retired Workers 17.4 Targeting the Candidate 17.5 Diversity in Workforce 17.6 Selecting the Candidates 17.7 Interviewer Strategies 17.8 Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) 18. Software Programmer: The Management Perspective 18.1 Setting Objectives 18.2 Providing Training 18.3 Evaluating Performance 18.4 Measuring Lines of Code (LOC) Per Man Month 18.5 Function Points Measure 18.6 Complexity Measure 18.7 Combination of Measures 18.8 Leadership Training for Future Roles 18.9 Career Paths for Programmers 18.10 Moving Across Projects 18.11 Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) 18.12 People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) 19. Teamwork in Software Organizations 19.1 Team Organization 19.2 Characteristics of Teams 19.3 Teams in Software Organizations 19.4 Managing Software Teams 19.5 How to Evaluate Performance of Software Teams? 19.6 Fostering Productivity in Team Work 19.7 Team Development 19.8 Need for High Performance Teams in Indian IT Industry 19.9 Characteristics of High Performance Teams 19.10 The Indian Scenario 20. Project Stakeholders and Technology 20.1 Team Members 20.2 People Side of Project Management 20.3 How to Manage Team Members? 20.4 Best Practices for Project Management 20.5 Best Practices for Selection 20.6 Best Practices for Performance Appraisals 20.7 Best Practices in Project Development Process 20.8 Best Practices for Software Development Methodologies 20.9 Skills versus Experience 20.10 Tapping Managerial Talents 20.11 Impact of Advanced Technologies on HR Function Bibliography/References Index