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Prospective Teachers Aptitude, Intelligence and Morality

Prospective Teachers Aptitude, Intelligence and Morality

Author:C Siva Sankar
ISBN 13:9789391978068
Subject:Education and Psychology

About the Book

In any profession, pursuit of excellence and code of ethics are essential elements. Pursuit of excellence is associated with intellectual ability. The code of ethics is connected to morality. But, in teaching profession, not only intelligence and morality are prominent ingredients but also aptitude in teaching is highly needed for quality education to the learners. National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) and All India Federation of Education and Administration (AIFEA) have emphasized that the teaching aptitude, intellectual level and morality are the most significant predictors of teacher effectiveness. professional commitment, professional efficacy, and professional ethics are reflective factors of teaching aptitude, intellectual level and morality of teachers in teaching learning process. Education for sustainability, learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together are possible through aptitude, intelligence and morality of teachers. This book is a study of prospective teachers’ aptitude, intelligence and morality pragmatically with a view to direct their teaching behaviour towards continuous professional development with excellence. Contents List of Tables, Preface 1. Effectiveness of Teachers: Teaching Aptitude, Intellectual Level and Morality Concept of Education; Concept of Teacher; Concept of Teacher Education; Pre-Service Teacher Education Programme; Concept of Teaching Aptitude; Concept of Intelligence; Concept of Morality; Relationship among Teaching Aptitude, Intellectual Level and Morality; Need of the Study; Objectives of the Study; Hypotheses; Scope of the Study 2. Studies on Teaching Aptitudes, Intelligence and Morality Introduction; Studies on Teaching Aptitude; Studies on Intelligence; Studies on Morality; An Overview of the Studies Reviewed 3. Methodology: The Heart of Research Introduction; Method Used; Selection of the Tools; Locale of the Study; Selection of the Sample; Data Collection; Scoring Procedure; Statistical Techniques 4. Inter-relationship between Teaching Aptitude, Intellectual Level and Morality: Results and Discussion Introduction; Descriptive Analysis of Teaching Aptitude, Intellectual Level and Morality of Prospective Teachers; Influence of Gender, Age, Type of Locality, Type of Management, Educational Qualification, Type of Group, Methods of Teaching-I, Methods of Teaching-II, Community, Parental Income, Parental Education and Marital Status on the intellectual level of Prospective teachers.; Influence of Gender, Age, Type of Locality, Type of Management, Educational Qualification, Type of Group, Methods of Teaching-I, Methods of Teaching-II, Community, Parental Income, Parental Education and Marital Status on the morality of Prospective teachers.; Influence of Each Independent Variable on Dependent Variables as Whole; Correlation Among the Teaching Aptitude, Intellectual Level and Morality of Prospective Teachers; Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis 5. Findings, Educational Implications and the Way Ahead Findings of the Study; Educational Implications; Suggestions for Further Research Bibliography About the Author: Dr. C. Siva Sankar is presently working as an Associate Professor, Department of Education, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh. Previously he worked as an Asst. Professor at NCERT (RIE), Bhopal. He has published more than forty research articles in Refereed, Peer Reviewed, Scopus Indexed, UGC-CARE listed journals and edited books at National and International level. He has successfully completed UGC-IR Projects under XII FYP. He has successfully guided four doctoral students and completed thirty Post Graduate Dissertations at NCERT (RIE), Bhopal, IGNOU and Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar. He has participated and presented papers at national and international seminars/conferences.