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Quality Control Techniques in Social and Behavioural Sciences

Quality Control Techniques in Social and Behavioural Sciences

Author:N Ravindranathan
ISBN 13:9788196206291
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/General References

About the Book

? Discussion of latest Engineering and Statistical Quality Control Techniques in Fifteen Chapters in “SELF STUDY PATTERN” ? Each Chapter contains Introduction, Brief Theoretical Concepts, Case studies, Areas of Application, Suggested Software and latest Reference Books. ? Written in Simple and lucid language without complicated mathematical derivations. ? Applications of Quality Control Techniques practiced in Twelve areas of Functional Management of Organisations are illustrated in the book ? A comprehensive study material in Statistical Quality Control Techniques for students and teachers . ? Practical Manual for Professionals and Executives in Industries Contents: 1 Significance of Quality Control Techniques 2 Methods in Engineering 3 Statistical Process Control Techniques 4 Control Charts for Variables 5 Fraction Defective Control Charts 6 Control Charts for Defect 7 Trend and Stratified Control Charts 8 Probability and Non-Probability Sampling Methods 9 Acceptance Sampling Techniques 10 Lean Management and Six Sigma Limits 11 Descriptive Statistics 12 Concepts in Probability 13 Probability Distributions 14 Reliability and Validity of Techniques 15 Quality Control Applications Conclusions Annexure 1: Abstracts on Research Findings Annexure 2: Glossary of Technical Words Annexure 3: Table of Control Chart Constants Annexure 4: Acceptance Sampling Tables Annexure 5: Bibliography About the Author N Ravindranathan, PhD in Management Sciences from CUSAT, Kochi, Retired as a Senior Faculty in Quantitative Methods from Kerala Agricultural University. Practical experience of more than Two decades in the implementation of Quality Control Techniques for Defence Products. Resource Person in Quality control methods since 1982 in Agricultural and Veterinary Universities. Published Thirty Research papers in National and International Journals. Author of Text book on Research Methodology for Management (2019), Operation Research in Life Sciences (2022),