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Rasopanisad A Discourse on Indian Alchemy (English Translation and Exposition of Scientific Content)

Rasopanisad A Discourse on Indian Alchemy (English Translation and Exposition of Scientific Content)

Author:Vijaya Jayant Deshpande
ISBN 13:9789392194030
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Vedas and Puranas

About the Book

Rasopanisad is a large Sanskrit work on alchemy written in the medieval period by an unknown author. Two available manuscripts of the original Sanskrit work, one incomplete copy in the library of Thirunakkara Swamiyar Matom in Kottayam and the other worn out but complete manuscript in the possession of Vayaskara Narayanan Moossu of Kottayam, were edited by K. Sambasivasastri and the book was printed by the Superintendent, Government Press, Trivandrum in 1928. Other translations are available but without a critical study. Present copy of Rasopanisad contains some two thousand and five hundred verses in eighteen chapters. It is probably part of a larger treatise Mahodadhi, no longer extant. All eighteen chapters deal largely with gold and silver making processes, i.e. metallurgical alchemy. Last two chapters also discuss physiological alchemy which involves techniques for prolonging life and syntheses of elixirs of immortality. About the Author: Dr. Vijaya Jayant Deshpande A chemist by training, Vijaya Deshpande turned to history of science, technology and medicine. She studied Sanskrit and Chinese classical works on alchemy and medicine and particularly examined Sino Indian scientific contacts through Buddhism. She was a post doctoral scholar in the Chemistry Department of Peking University and later a Welcome fellow at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. She also worked on a number of research projects in India, has read papers in various conferences, delivered invited lectures and published several research articles. Vijaya Deshpande worked at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune on a project titled 'A critical study of Sanskrit alchemical text Rasopanisad', which was funded by the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi from July 1990 to August 1993. Later, she worked as an Infosys scholar from 1st October 2020 to 31st March 2021 on the topic of 'The Golden Magic of Rasa Rasopanisad and Essentials of Indian alchemy Understanding the scientific underpinning.