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Re-culturation An Attempt to Reconstruct Northern Indian Christian Samskaras in the Light of Manusmrti and Law of Moses : A Postcolonial Subaltern Response

Re-culturation An Attempt to Reconstruct Northern Indian Christian Samskaras in the Light of Manusmrti and Law of Moses : A Postcolonial Subaltern Response

Author:Tapas Ghosh
ISBN 13:9789351483489
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

This book is an exposition to unveil the possibility of the cultural re-construction of North Indian Protestant Christian traditions (Sa?skaras). The foundation of the Indian Church (other than St. Thomas tradition) is laid on the Western pattern and doctrines, and the colonial Church has failed or somehow avoided to use the rich Indian heritage, as the European Church utilized the Greco-roman traditions. Therefore, the native Christians are largely alien to the contextual reality of India, thus, there remains a sustaining cultural and social dilemma. This scholarly work has explored few new possibilities to re-capture a new Indic vision as the postcolonial quest, by de-colonizing the colonized tradition, with selective use of the Manusm?ti and the Law of Moses, aiming to advocate that Christianity can be fitted within the plurality of Samaj Dharma of India. In brief, the book is a model of Sa?skaric re-culturation towards the cultural Indianness of the Indian Church. Contents Foreword Acknowledgement Abbreviation 1. Introduction 2. Formative Background and Context of Research 3. The Methodological Consideration 4. An Introduction of the Law (Dharma) of Manu and the Law (Dharma) of Moses and the Selective Samskaric (Sacramental) Praxis for Re-culturation 5. Namakarana Samskara: Re-reading of Christian Naming Historiography in India: A Postcolonial Analysis 6. Samskara of Purification & Conversion Issue: Encountering Jesus 'With' and 'Without' Baptism: An Indian Response 7. Visible Relation, Social Dimension of Re-cultured Christianity in Northern India and Post-colonialism Subaltern Quest Final Conclusion Bibliography Appendices