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Reading Dalit : Essays on Literary Representations

Reading Dalit : Essays on Literary Representations

Author:Edited by G J V Prasad
ISBN 13:9789382178040
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Women Studies

About the Book

Dalit literature is not just of the present, it is a literature of the future, one that forges it, rather than one that simply recounts the past, though its future emanates from its recounting and rebuttal of the past. Its politics informs its aesthetics part of its politics. It shows us how languages, indigenous state languages that people have given up thier lives for, languagethat gained states opposing various other linguistic hegemonies themselves, and write themselves are part of the oppressive structure. Thus, when Dalits 'write back' and write for themselves, and write themselves into the national space, they have to first fight the various languages that are given to them, they have to expose how the languages perform,force, their marginalisation. Dalit literature is thus complex and rewards close scrutiny and analysis. This volume tries to bring together different readings of Dalit literature. The selected essays, written over a peroid of a decade and a half of the 21st century,look at various issues- whether discrimination akin to that of the Dalit exists in other countries,how Dalits ahve been represented in English literature,how they have represented themselves in various literatures, theorising about Dalit writing, the problematics of translation, the wretched issue of caste based discrimination regardless of religion, the question of gender, and most persistently about language and power.