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Redesigning Higher Technical Education to Meet National Aspirations

Redesigning Higher Technical Education to Meet National Aspirations

Author:Prof Chandan Tilak Bhunia
ISBN 13:, 978935128136
Subject:Education and Psychology

About the Book

If you look at history, innovation does not come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect? ---- ----- Steveen Johnson In order to achieve competitive advantages in the current scenario of liberalization , privatization and globalization; qualitative and innovative Higher Technical Education is prime for any developing country. It is firmly believed that reshaping and redesigning of Technical Higher Education in India is of paramount importance for making ?New India?. In this context, this book proposes a few innovative solutions for making Technical Higher Education purposeful, meaningful and deliverable for the country. Main emphasizes are given on --- ?Redesigning Syllabus?, ?Reformatting Examination System?, ?Innovations in Faculty Recruitment Scheme? and ?Innovation in changing mindset of the students?. My thoughts portrayed in this book got published as several articles in University News. This book compiles the published and some unpublished articles in the form of book. All the ideas, thoughts and comments given in the book are of my own personal capacity and not on official capacity in any way.