Researching Educational Governance Realizing UN 2030 Agenda and Beyond (3 Volumes Set)
Author: | H C Pokhriyal, B S Nagi, M C Sati, P Mishra, R P Juyal and A S Khullar |
ISBN 13: | 9789355944986 |
Binding: | Hardbound |
Language: | English |
Year: | 2023 |
Subject: | Education and Psychology |
About the Book
Achieving the 'lofty Goal 4' of the UNSDGs, which aims to 'ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all', 'will require the entire education system to be reconfigured'- a fact as aptly underlined in the National Education Policy 2020 of India. This would essentially entail putting in place a very effective educational governance devised and formulated on the basis of cutting edge research outputs. Three Volumes of the present book is a modest yet maiden attempt to comprehend and unfold the blending of diverse research methodologies and amply demonstrate, through empirical findings, that innovative policies and interventions curated on the basis of this approach of research can ensure quality education.
Governance emerges as one of the core areas for research. Therefore, Volume I provides a wide canvas of governance in general and educational governance in particular for research along with a unique opportunity to elaborate both the theory and practice of Quantitative, Qualitative and Participatory Methodologies in researching governance that is the frontier challenge looking for suitable answers. Volume II uniquely comprehends multiple aspects of quality in dynamic and wider perspectives as perceived by the primary stakeholders including community. Refreshing insight into the quality perspectives of educational governance will facilitate the researchers to explore innovative interventions in respective areas of human development. 'Community' is the third constituent of governance along with the 'state' and the 'market'. Therefore, Volume III explores a futuristic vision of community governance leading to quality education. Also an attempt has been made to critically appraise the provisioning of community governance including the local self-governments as well as free and compulsory elementary education.
The Book is a live comprehension of the conceptual framework of research and methods along with handling of research problems at the ground. It is like explaining 'how to' by giving suitable case-studies conducted by the authors on educational governance. It is hoped that the three Volumes will be an exciting learning experience that would enable us to address researching challenges over which the public policy makers, researchers, development administrators, planners and students may build their concepts, logical structures and planned interventions facilitating the achievement of effective educational governance at micro-level ensuring quality education in the coming decades.
About the Author: H.C. Pokhriyal has more than forty years of experience in teaching, research and educational governance, former Executive Director, School of Open Learning, University of Delhi and Faculty Member at the LBSNAA, GoI. Worked in the area of participatory research
B.S. Nagi former Director of Research, Council for Social Development, New Delhi, undertaken research work in the areas of Educational Governance, Management, Health & Nutrition, Demography & Population, Reproductive Health, HIV-AIDS, etc during his 45 years of work.
M.C. Sati Professor of Economics, HNB Garhwal University Uttarakhand, has more than 35 years of teaching & research experience. Currently conducting a major research project of RURBAN Mission (SPMRM), Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India (GoI).
Padmakar Mishra has a wide experience working in Nalanda University (International), University of Delhi, NIAR(LBSNAA) and other universities. Conducted research, training and co-ordinated World Bank assisted flagship Programme of DPEP at Bihar Education Project.