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Respect, Reverence and Responsibility Care and Compassion for Patients of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

Respect, Reverence and Responsibility Care and Compassion for Patients of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

Author:Roney George
ISBN 13:9789395457439
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Social problems Social welfare

About the Book

This book studies the critically and empathetically the situation of the elderly in India, especially those with Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and propose ways of improving their lifestyle, provide meaning and respect, dignity and worth to their lives, based on moral and philosophical bases. Based on his 25 years of experience of serving the mentally challenged and geriatric patients, this book takes the problem of the elderly earnestly and proposes viable solutions, which the family and the larger society can consider earnestly. Convinced that the society and family own a lot to the elderly, the research findings of the book contribute significantly to the physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being of the elderly. Contents Acknowledgements Abbreviations Tables and Figures Foreword General Introduction Introduction 1. The Immediate Context 2. The Problem Under Study 3. The Research Question 4. Statement of the Hypothesis 5. Aim and Objective of the Research 6. Research Method 7. Our Dialogue Partners 8. Expectations and Scope 9. The Overview of Our Research 10. The Significance of Our Study 11. Limitations of Our Exploration and Scope for Further Research Conclusion Chapter 1: The General Situation of the Elderly Introduction 1.1. General Challenges Facing the Elderly 1.2. Mental Status of Elderly Persons 1.3. Neurocognitive Changes in Aging 1.4. Physical Status of Elderly Persons 1.5. Emotional Aspects of the Elderly 1.6. Social Position of the Elderly 1.7. General Overview: Respect as Responsibility of the Society Conclusion Chapter 2: Fostering Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being Introduction 2.1. Nature of Emotions 2.2. Types of Emotions 2.3. Purpose of Emotions 2.4. Emotions Affected by Culture 2.5. Fostering Physical Health and Emotional Health 2.6. Promoting Spiritual Wellness 2.7. Rationality and Emotions: Philosophical and Spiritual Foundations Conclusion Chapter 3: Dealing with Dementia Introduction 3.0.1. Dementia Symptoms and Diagnosis 3.0.2. Diagnosis of Dementia 3.0.3. Cognitive Examinations 3.1. Ten Warning Signs of Dementia 3.2. Seven Stages of Dementia 3.3. Recognising the Eight Types of Dementia 3.4. What to Expect 3.5. Dealing Effectively with Dementia Conclusion Chapter 4: Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease Introduction 4.1. Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia 4.2. Alzheimer’s Disease: Overview 4.3. Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease 4.4. Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain 4.5. The Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease 4.6. Factors Contributing to Alzheimer’s Disease 4.7. Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease 4.8. Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease 4.9. Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease Conclusion Chapter 5: The Indian Situation: Towards a Dementia-Friendly India Introduction 5.1. The Present Scenario 5.2. Demography and Challenges of Dementia 5.3. A Call for Committed and Caring Action 5.4. Towards a Dementia-Friendly India Conclusion Chapter 6: The Challenge of Compassionate Caregiving Introduction 6.1. Support for Families and Alzheimer’s Disease Care-Givers 6.2. Dementia and Care Homes 6.3. The Challenge of Being Care-Giver Conclusion Chapter 7: Respect and Obligation: The Classical Approaches of Gita and Kant Introduction 7.1. Gita: Nishkama Karma and Loksangraha 7.2. Categorical Imperatives Conclusion: Respect and a Sense of Obligation Chapter 8: Respect and Responsibility for the Other The Contemporary Approach of Emmanuel Levinas Introduction 8.1. The Other: Our Fundamental Experience 8.2. Ethics as the First Philosophy 8.3. Being at Home 8.4. Being Responsible Conclusion Chapter 9: Vulnerability, Reverence, Respect and Responsibility Introduction 9.1. Understanding Human Vulnerability 9.2. Humans as Mutually Vulnerable 9.3. Respect and Reverence for Vulnerable Persons 9.4. Respect, Reverence and Responsibility Conclusion General Conclusion Introduction 1. Key Findings and Proposals 2. Suggestions for Further Research 3. Caring for Fellow Human Beings with Respect and Reverence Conclusion Bibliography Index Roney George is the founder-director of Chaitanya Institute for Mental Health, based in Pune which has four branches in India and abroad. He is an entrepreneur and social worker, who has been passionately caring for the mentally challenged and geriatric patients. He is a committed social activist whose passion is to work for the upliftment of the downtrodden and marginalised.