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Restless Line in the Art of Seema Kohli

Restless Line in the Art of Seema Kohli

Author:Edited by Annapurna Garimella and Sindhura D M
ISBN 13:9788195674978
Published On:5th May 2024
Subject:Art and Archaeology/Modern Art

About the Book

CONTENTS: Foreword-Ian A Baker, A: Introduction, The Artist is Everywhere An Introduction to the Art of Seema Kohli-Annapurna Garimella, PART I: The Body is Her Studio, The Body as an Egg-Adwait Singh, I Go to the Studio Like One Goes To A Beloved-Amruta Patil, Anamnesis of a Artist-Sindhura D Manjunath, PART II: Our Myths Feed Her Fantasies, Walking Behind Durga-Charty Dugdale, The Experience of Beauty, The Beauty of Experience-Vaishnavi Ramanathan, PART III: The Workshop is Her Shrine, Her Workshop is Her Shrine-Katie Lazarowicz, OUROBOROS-Sona Datta, Acts of Making: Seema Kohli-Lina Vincent, B: In Continuum, Sculptured Mythologies Iconography, Insight, Innovation-Seema Bawa, Meditations on Woman in the Cosmos and Void-Gauri Parimoo Krishnan, Bio of Authors, 283pp,.