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Rethinking India's Myths, Legends, and Traditions

Rethinking India's Myths, Legends, and Traditions

Author:Abhijit Basu
ISBN 13:9788121513654
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Ramayana and Mahabharata

About the Book

CONTENTS: Preface, Part I: Epic Legends and Traditions, 1. Rama & Krishna: A 'Scriptural' Comparision, 2. Bhishma, 3. Who is superior, Karna or Arjuna?, 4. Character Sketch of Bhima, The Pandava Stalwart, 5. What Duryodhana Said, 6. Rama's Life-Like Portrayal by Valmiki, 7. Who Composed the Ramayana?, 8. Villages Yudhishthira Sought, and Why?, 9. Character of Dhritarashtra, 10, Gandhari, 11. Draupadi, 12. On Vidura and Vidura-Niti, 13. Manner & Timeline of Dhritarashtra's Death, 14. On Mahabharata's Sanjaya, 15. Yakshaprashna: Yudhishthira's Atypical Answers Still Make us Think, 16. Yudhishthira's Pseudonym, 17. Vikarna: The Ethical Kaurava Prince, 18. Yudhshthira and Rama, 19. Finding Mahabharata's Manipura, 20. Character of Manthara in the Vlmiki Ramayana, 21. World's Biggest EPIC, 22. The 'Authentic' Mahabharata Text, 23. Bhargavas-Brahmins who Fashioned the Mahabharata, 24. Is the Mahabharata Indian or Universal?, 25. Age analysis of Mahabharata Characters, 26. Mahabharata's Ideal of Heroism Codified into Kshatriya War Ethics, 27. Parallels bettttt the Indian and other Mythologies, Part II: Vedic, Puranic and Classical Traditions, 28. Decoding Krishna, 29. Tradition of the Gayatri Mantra, 30. From Vedic Sac rifice to Vedantic Liberation-India's Sociospiritual Journey, 31. Bhagaved-Gita and the Human Mind, 32. Sanatana Dharma, 33. On the Manu Smriti and tghe Larger Issue of What to take or Leave from Ancient Texts, 34. Gods and Demons in Indian Mythology, 36. Panini's Contribution to the Sanskrit Language, 37. An Inclusive Interpretation of Indian Asuras, 38. Position of Women in Ancient India, 39. Immortality in Indian Tradition, 40. Indian Concedpt of Time, 41. Ancient India's Geo-Demography, as given in the Vishnu Purana, 42. Puranic Account of the Original Indian Dynasties, 43. Purana Legends of Solar Dynasty Royals, 44. Story of Kalmashpada-Accursed King with Diseased Feet, 45. Legends and Traditions relating to Agastya, 46. Yajnavalkya, 47. The Mohyals-Brahmin Heroes who Fought at Karbala, 48. Indian Tradition of Dissent and Heerodoxy, 49. Memory Loss and Recollection in Kalidasa's Sakuntala, 50. Kalidasa's Malabikagnimitram, 51. Sa-se-Mi-Ra, Rethinking an Ancient Thriller.