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Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 21 (Piq - Pre)

Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 21 (Piq - Pre)

Author:Edited by Neeraj Tandon, Parul Sharma, Sarika Srivastava, Ruchi Solanki and Charu Mahawar
ISBN 13:9770972795006
Subject:Botanical Science/Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

About the Book

Contents: Foreword. Preface. Introduction. Monographs: 1. Piqueria. 2. Piscidia. 3. Pisonia. 4. Pistacia. 5. Pistia. 6. Pisum. 7. Pithecellobium. 8. Pittosporum. 9. Pityrogramma. 10. Pladera. 11. Planchonella. 12. Planchonia. 13. Plantago. 14. Platanus. 15. Platycladus. 16. Plecospermum. 17. Plectranthus. 18. Plectronia. 19. Pleiospermium. 20. Pleopeltis. 21. Pleurospermum. 22. Pleurostylia. 23. Pluchea. 24. Plumbago. 25. Plumeria. 26. Poa. 27. Podocarpus. 28. Podophyllum. 29. Poeciloneuron. 30. Pogostemon. 31. Poinciana. 32. Polemonium. 33. Polianthes. 34. Pollia. 35. Polyalthia. 36. Polycarpaea. 37. Polycarpon. 38. Polygala. 39. Polygonatum. 40. Polygonum. 41. Polypodium. 42. Polypogon. 43. Polyscias. 44. Polystichum. 45. Pometia. 46. Poncirus. 47. Pongamia. 48. Populus. 49. Porana. 50. Portulaca. 51. Potamogeton. 52. Potentilla. 53. Pothos. 54. Pourthiaea. 55. Pouteria. 56. Pouzolzia. 57. Praecitrullus. 58. Prangos. 59. Pratia. 60. Premna. Appendices. Indices. Plant genera included in earlier volumes.