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Russia-Ukraine War The Conflict and its Global Impact

Russia-Ukraine War The Conflict and its Global Impact

Author:Ajay Singh
ISBN 13:9789390095711
Subject:Military Studies

About the Book

The war, which began with the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, is the most significant conflict of the century so far, even outstripping the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. With it, war revisited Europe after 70 years, plunged it into turmoil, and directly or indirectly, impacted the entire globe. What makes it worse than earlier wars, is the nuclear shadow hovering over it which threatens to darken the world. A war which everyone thought would be over in a fortnight or so, extended interminably. The sheer scope of the war is reminiscent of the Second World War, and many of the battles were fought on the same ground. The book traces the background and major flow of events right from the crucial battle of Kyiv and Kharkov in the initial days, the Russian capture of the coast, the Donbas battles, the Ukrainian counter-offensive and the Russian response. The economic and geopolitical aspects are highlighted. The impact on India and the world, with a likely emergence of a new global order, have been delved into in detail. The book takes you through the course of the war and helps envision its impact, as it explores one of the most epochal events of our times. ABOUT AUTHOR Ajay Singh has authored five books encompassing a wide genre of novels, short stories, poetry, and military history. He has published over 200 articles on a range of subjects and written screenplay for film and television. A noted public speaker, he conducts talks on history and contemporary events across the country. Ajay Singh has been awarded the Rabindranath Tagore International Award for Art and Literature and the Star Award for Excellence - 2021. His film on Indian battles has been awarded the Best Documentary at the Venus International Film Festival-2022.