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Saccidananda Theological Perspectives on Advaita and the Trinity

Saccidananda Theological Perspectives on Advaita and the Trinity

Author:Swami Abhishiktananda
ISBN 13:9789395457873
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

CONTENTS: Foreword Introduction Author’s Preface Editor’s Note List of Abbreviations Preamble: Beyond All Names Part One: The Vedantic Experience Chapter 1: Death Transcended Chapter 2: The Inward Quest Chapter 3: The Advaitic Dilemma Chapter 4: The Cosmic Covenant and the Incarnation Chapter 5: Vedantic Experience and Christian Faith Part Two: The Trinitarian Experience Chapter 6: Abba, Father Chapter 7: Awakening in the Spirit Chapter 8: Divine Sonship Chapter 9: The Infinite Love of the Father Chapter 10: The Return of the Cosmos Chapter 11: Love and Communion Chapter 12: The Work of the Jñani Part Three: Saccidananda Chapter 13: The Image of God Chapter 14: At the Heart of the Trinity Chapter 15: The Bliss of the Spirit Chapter 16: An Act of Faith Appendix: Poems by Shri Ramana Maharshi Glossary of Sanskrit Words Selected Bibliography Biographical Note