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Security Concerns of Asia: 21st Century Discourses

Security Concerns of Asia: 21st Century Discourses

Author:Edited by Sarika Dubey
ISBN 13:9789390095483
Subject:Military Studies

About the Book

Security is a wide concept that has multiple dimensions that pertain not only to national security but also become an essential factor for human well being and progress. A range of threats to the survival and development of people, societies, and the global communities is now included in the ambit of discussions on security. In the current global scenario, many new dimensions of security have emerged that range from national security to human security, which expanded its content and definition. This manifests in a wide range of interconnected issues like climate change, food insecurity, pandemics, and terrorism, making the study of security imperative and relevant. The Asian security milieu has a great impact on South Asia, the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large. The region is confronted with many complex and daunting challenges like the denuclearization of North Korea, international terrorism, tensions in the Taiwan Strait, Chinese aggression, and assertion of sovereignty in the South China Sea. These issues have resulted in severe repercussions on the regional security structure. Beside these factors, recent developments in Afghanistan, emerging trends in transnational terror networks, sectarian violence, drug trafficking and illegal migration are issues that have created deep security concerns in the region. Therefore, a deeper understanding of Asia’s security aspect has become indispensable for the economic progress, peace, and stability of this region. The concept of this book is to focus on the security issues in the Asian context because the road to global peace and stability in the 21st century passes through this region making it a new locus of international affairs and the centre of power-politics in which security is mostly influenced by geopolitical factors. The emergence of China as a powerful nation has also been a very significant strategic event of this century, which is affecting the entire security framework of the region. Against this backdrop of the security concerns of Asia, an honest effort has been made to analyze some of the major issues of security at one place.