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Seduction of Feminism The Masquerades of Global Capitalism

Seduction of Feminism The Masquerades of Global Capitalism

Author:Edited by Chinnadevi Singadi and N Rama Devi Murru
ISBN 13:9789355290748
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Women Studies

About the Book

In the twenty-first century Capitalism has become more insatiable than ever before. Women are being silently preyed upon round-the-clock, across the globe, by this very colourful, enticing and clever predator. The essays in this volume attempt to explore and expose the camouflaged role of the nexus between Capitalism and Patriarchy in simulating Feminism through creating a make-believe world faking its allegiance to women while in reality, ceaselessly working to dilute and defeat their core concerns by surreptitiously working against the grain. For instance, "Black is beautiful" a page in a magazine reads and the very next one thrusts skin whitening products into your face. This posturing of Capitalism's oppressive ideology of keeping women engaged in deceptive realities and lending them a false sense of empowerment is all-pervasive – from cornflakes to cosmetics, home-making to love-making, breast feeding to bike riding, style statements to shower curtains, education to entertainment, work-at-home to work-in-the-office, raising children to recreation, architecture to wonder woman hypnosis, condoms to morning-after pills, menstruation to menopause, hygiene products to hormone treatments, C-sections to surrogacy… the list goes on. This book attempts to bring to light this incapacitating control of capitalism over women and the constant diluting of their fight for emancipation and equality.