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Sepoys’ Blitzkrieg: The Lightning Campain of September 1918 that liberated Israel & Palestine and decimated the Great Ottoman Empire!

Sepoys’ Blitzkrieg: The Lightning Campain of September 1918 that liberated Israel & Palestine and decimated the Great Ottoman Empire!

Author:Col Yogander Singh
ISBN 13:9788194547808
Subject:Military Studies

About the Book

It is a captivating portrayal of battles fiercely fought and won by the brave Indian Sepoys (soldiers) across Sinai and Palestine during World War I. Driven by their superior fighting skills and a devil-may-care attitude in face of certain death, these gallant Sepoys continued capturing their assigned objectives piling victory over victory. Coup de grace was the Battle of Megiddo which marked the end of the six century-old all-powerful Ottoman Empire. Audacity, courage, scale, speed and skill with which this battle was fought impelled the famous military thinker Liddell Hart to comment, “These operations deserve to rank among history’s masterpieces for their breadth of vision and treatment.” Of the total 853 fatal casualties of the Allies in the Battle of Megiddo, 602 were Indians. What is uniquely significant is that 41.6 per cent of the total Allies and 59 per cent of Indians killed, 355 (155 Infantry & 200 Cavalry) were from the region that is now Haryana. Not only did the ‘Sepoys’ Blitzkrieg in Palestine’ destroy the Ottoman Empire, but charting a new course in World History, it also paved the way for the establishment of modern Israel. Little wonder why the Indian soldiers from Haryana still inspire awe and admiration in that part of the world!