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Signs of the Times: The Matrix of Meanings in Revelation 2 - 3

Signs of the Times: The Matrix of Meanings in Revelation 2 - 3

Author:James Kalong
ISBN 13:9789351486411
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

Signs of the Times: The Matrix of Meanings in Revelation 2 – 3 is an exegetical study of the local references in chapters two and three of the Book of Revelation. The book presents that the revelations and messages to the seven churches of Asia Minor by John are essentially contextual and specifically local; meaningful only for the Christians of the first-century A.D. located in these seven churches. Any future expectations in the Book of Revelation are imminently relevant for these seven churches as their prevailing historical conditions predispose. The underlying postulation is that, John, through a revelation of Jesus Christ, was exposing the signs of the times in these seven churches that were either plaguing or needing redressal of the situations they were in during the late first-century A.D. in Asia Minor. Contents Preface List of Abbreviations Introduction Chapter 1: Seven Churches: Neither Symbolic Nor Universal Chapter 2: Contexts: Historical and Literary Chapter 3: Ephesus: The Tree of Life Chapter 4: Smyrna: The Crown of Life Chapter 5: Pergamum: The Throne of Satan Chapter 6: Thyatira: Feet of Burnished Bronze Chapter 7: Sardis: Alive But Dead Chapter 8: Philadelphia: Pillar in the Temple of God Chapter 9: Laodicea: Neither Hot Nor Cold Chapter 10: Conclusion Bibliography James Kalong is Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Oriental Theological Seminary, Bade, Nagaland. His other books are Table Talks of Jesus: Didactics of Reversals in the Gospel of Luke and The Year of the Lord’s Favor: Eclectic Musings and Essays on Contemporary, Biblical, and Theological Themes